

Blood donation | 22 and 23 July

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CERN Library | Ted Wilson presents "Engines of discovery: a century of particle accelerators" (revised and expanded edition) | 22 July

Particle accelerators exploit the cutting edge of every aspect of today's technology and have themselves contributed to many of these technologies. The largest accelerators have been constructed as research tools for nuclear and high energy physics and there is no doubt that it is this field that has sustained their development culminating in the Large Hadron Collider. >>

CERN Library | Michael Dittmar presents "Extracted: How the Quest for Mineral Wealth Is Plundering the Planet" by Ugo Bardi (et al.) | 24 July

As we dig, drill and excavate to unearth the planet’s mineral bounty, the resources we exploit from ores, veins, seams and wells are gradually becoming exhausted. Mineral treasures that took millions, or even billions, of years to form are now being squandered in just centuries—or sometimes just decades. >>

Internal lecture | LEP II era/precision physics (1994-2004) | Main Auditorium | 25 July

LEP II era/precision physics, by Lydia Fayard, Roberto Tenchini, and Steve Myers. >>

Concert | The CERN Choir hits the high notes | Victoria Hall | 30 September

60 – 40 – 25: a series of numbers that have inspired an exceptional concert. They refer to the 60th anniversary of CERN, the 40th anniversary of the CERN Choir and the 25th anniversary of its direction by Gonzalo Martinez. On the occasion of this collision of anniversaries, the Committee of this CERN club decided to organise an appropriately significant event to celebrate the important worldwide role that CERN has played for 60 years, the fact that the CERN Choir has brought together amateur singers for 40 years, and finally the decisive role in the Choir’s history of its director, Gonzalo Martinez. >>

News Articles

First accelerator-based physics of 2014  
Taking SESAME to the classroom  
LS1 Report: testing Plan B  
New patent in sight for CERN-made technology  
From hadron therapy to cosmic rays: a life in biophysics  
Indian high-school students dive into particle physics at CERN  
Behind the scenes of GS: keeping CERN clean  
Computer Security: today’s paranoia, tomorrow’s reality  
Ombud's Corner: holiday time!  
Marco Grippeling (1966-2014)  

Official News

New procedure for declaring changes in family and personal situation  

Training and Development

A breath of fresh air for cryogenics training  
Safety training: places available in July and August  


Reminder: Bike safety – e-learning module still available!  
The Summer Student Webfest is back at CERN!  

Staff Association

Meeting staff representatives of the European Agencies  
Offers FNAC  
Yoga Club  
kayak Club  
Bowls Club  