CERN School of Computing | Thematic CSC | 18-23 May, 2015

tCSC2015 continues the concept trialled over the last two years. It aims to complement the existing portfolio of CSC events: the traditional main summer school, organised since 1970, the inverted CSCs (iCSCs) organised since 2005, and the special schools, like that organised in 2006 in Bombay.


Shorter, smaller, focused are the three distinguishing features of the "thematic CSC" (tCSC). But, though different from the main CSCs, the tCSCs maintain the same guiding principles:

1.   Academic dimension on an advanced topic
2.   Theory and practice
3.   Networking and socialisation.

The third thematic CSC will take place in Split, Croatia, from 18 to 23 May 2015.

All applicants are welcome, including former and future CSC participants in the main summer school.

The theme is "Efficient, Parallel Programming and I/O", covering:

1. Programming for concurrency: modern and performing C++, expressing parallelism pragmatically, resource protection and thread safety, strategies to obtain peak performance with large-scale application

2. Concepts for efficient computing: data-oriented design, future technologies overview

3.  Structuring data for efficient I/O: ways to store data, preserving data, key Ingredients to achieve effective I/O

Applications will be accepted until 31 January 2015.

See also general and practical informationMore information is available on

by Alberto Pace, CSC Director