

Nous sommes tous Charlie

Thursday morning, 8th of January, the Staff Association participated in the minute of silence organised by France in support of the victims of the attack against Charlie Hebdo and in favour of the fundamental values of free speech and democracy. >>

Le Conseil du personnel, prêt pour les défis de 2015

Afin de remplir d’une façon optimale sa mission de représentant du personnel CERN auprès de la Direction et des États membres, le Conseil du personnel s’appuie sur le travail d’un certain nombre de Commissions, parmi lesquelles conditions d’emploi, pensions, thèmes juridiques, protection sociale, hygiène et sécurité, InFormAction (formation, information et actions). >>

Public meeting



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RRP Communication organizes cultural events such as concerts, shows, sporting events. >>


Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. >>


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News Articles

Don’t call it a closure!  
Spoilers! It’s LHC Season 2  
LS1 to LHC Report: LHC key handed back to Operations  
Keep calm and share science!  
2015: International Year of Light  
Léa: at at the crossroads of science and dreams  
The end of an era for the CERN Restaurant  
Taking CERN physics to South Asia  
CAS course on Plasma Wake Acceleration  
Computer Security: Protect your plant: a "serious game" about control system cyber-security  
Daniel Brandt (1950-2014)  

Official News

To all members of personnel in receipt of remuneration from CERN  
Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France - Signature rights  
Health insurance for Users and other Associated Members of the Personnel  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in January and February 2015  
Language training  


Retirement party for Martine (Novae)! | 29 January  
New Year, new interface for EDMS!  
CERN School of Computing | Thematic CSC | 18-23 May, 2015