

Everything is illuminated

On Monday, 26 January, CMS installed one of the final pieces in its complex puzzle: the new Pixel Luminosity Telescope. This latest addition will augment the experiment's luminosity measurements, recording the bunch-by-bunch luminosity at the CMS collision point and delivering high-precision measurements of the integrated luminosity. >>

Scientific remedies: it’s time to up the dose

Last week, I spent some time attending the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos. As Director-General of CERN, I have a standing invitation and it’s one that I have regularly taken up. I go there to promote the science agenda to leaders from all areas of society. Over the years, there’s no doubt that science has moved up the agenda, but there’s still a considerable way to go. >>

LHC Report: superconducting circuit powering tests

After the long maintenance and consolidation campaign carried out during LS1, the machine is getting ready to start operation with beam at 6.5 TeV… the physics community can’t wait! Prior to this, all hardware and software systems have to be tested to assess their correct and safe operation. >>

The art of sourcing talent (not only in physics)

CERN is constantly seeking new talent, but this is not always an easy task, especially in some key areas. Although CERN is known worldwide for hiring physicists, they only account for a very small percentage of CERN’s annual recruitment. The Organization offers a vast range of job opportunities in other domains, including, notably, for technicians and engineers in mechanics, electronics, cryogenics, etc. The new CERNbassador event and the EQIPIA tool will help the CERN Recruitment Unit find the talent of the future. >>

CLICing into action

Putting its acronym into action, the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) collaboration is testing its first compact accelerator module in the CTF3 test facility. Fed by high-power waveguides, cables and cooling tubes, the module has all the functions of future CLIC modules and allows the experts to test all the features, including frequency, losses, damping, acceleration and deceleration. >>

Preserving CERN's legacy

At CERN, scientists from all over the world design and build innovative instruments to be implemented in the cutting-edge machines used in high-energy physics. Those instruments go on to become part of the world’s most powerful accelerators, Nobel-prize-winning detectors, unique antimatter machines, the first web servers… These are historical pieces and belong to our common heritage. But, what happens to them once they are no longer in use? >>

A flying start for CERN in H2020

Following successful participation in a string of some 90 projects within FP7, CERN is also actively involved in Horizon 2020. In 2014, nearly 60 proposals involving CERN’s participation were submitted to various H2020 sub-programmes and the hope is that many more will follow in 2015. >>

EU Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation visits CERN

The EU Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, visited CERN on 30 January 2015. He was invited by the Director-General to obtain a first-hand impression of some of the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments, just before the eagerly awaited restart of the LHC at record energies. >>

Another award-winning year for CERN’s apprenticeship training programme

CERN has a long tradition of training apprentices. The Organization’s apprenticeship programme, which is based on the Swiss apprenticeship system, dates back to 1965. Since then, over 200 apprentices have been trained at CERN. Each year, seven or eight apprentice electricians, library assistants and physics laboratory technicians qualify after three or four years of training, depending on the job. >>

Two pioneering artists visit CERN

On Monday, 19 January, CERN physicists welcomed musician Tim Blake - progressive rock keyboard and theremin player - and architectural lighting designer Patrice Warrener - inventor of the Chromolithe Polychromatic Illumination system, used in Lyon’s “Fête des Lumières”. Together, they make up the musical duo "Crystal Machine". >>

Computer Security: Well fought, FP!

We are used to spam and phishing emails. But at the end of last year, a very special email struck one of our colleagues in the FP Department. >>

Ombud's corner: About letting go…

New year, old problems? The best way to start 2015 is by not carrying over any frustration from 2014. Instead, let it go and move forward. >>

Training and Development

"Ergonomics" training course: living in harmony with your screen!  
Safety Training: places available in January and February 2015  


Seminar | "Managing Italian research stations at the Poles" by Roberto Sparapani | 19 February  
Where students turn into teachers: the eighth Inverted CERN School of Computing  

Staff Association

Public meeting  
The Staff Council, ready for the challenges of 2015  
Cine club  
Yoga club  