
The CERN Control Centre (CCC) is the nerve centre of the CERN beam systems. From this room, the experts prepare, monitor, adjust, and control the particle beams that circulate throughout the accelerator complex while ensuring that the services and the technical infrastructure work flawlessly. Buttons, screens, telephones, lights (but no sound): in the CCC, everything is ready to make it possible for the LHC to reach the unprecedented energies expected at Run 2.
When the latest incarnation of Europe’s framework programme for science funding, Horizon 2020, was announced, it was to great acclaim. Horizon 2020 builds on the already considerable success of its forerunners, which have made international research at the European level a reality and have contributed greatly to European competitiveness on the world stage.
While the commissioning of the superconducting circuits is ongoing, great care is also being taken to make sure that the other key LHC accelerator systems are qualified for beam.
At the beginning of the year, CERN's Registration Service, in its fully renovated premises, launched a new initiative to save you time and to optimise the work of its staff.

In 1995, a working group was set up to address the gender imbalance at CERN. Twenty years later, the people involved in the endeavour celebrated the long series of achievements recorded by today’s Diversity Office.
On 2 March 2015, Mónica Bello will take the reins of the Arts@CERN programme. A few days before taking over the new job, the curator and art critic talked to the CERN Bulletin about her interest in arts and science, her motivations for the job, and her plans for the future of the programme.
CMS opened its doors to about 700 students from schools near CERN, who visited the detector on 16 and 17 February during the last major CMS outreach event of LS1.
While we have reported on our privacy concerns when using smartphones or cloud services in past issues of the Bulletin (e.g. “ Enter the Cloud, pay with your password”, “ … and thank you for your mobile data!”, and “ Prison or 'Prism'? Your data in custody”), recent news has once again given us a reason to rant: even after the Snowden revelations, things are not getting better!
When normal communication breaks down and there is no sharing anymore, office-mates can become ‘space invaders’. Very often, the situation can be resolved effectively by taking just a few simple steps...
Anselm Citron, one of CERN’s pioneers, an enthusiastic scholar and internationally renowned researcher, passed away on 8 December at the age of 91.
We learned with great sadness that Klaus Winter passed away on 9 February 2015, after a long illness.
What does the Bulletin mean to you? Send us your thoughts!
Please note that Route Scherrer will be inaccessible for two and a half months from the beginning of March and that part of Route Einstein will be closed for two weeks from the end of February.