

Academic Training Lecture | Practical Statistics for LHC Physicists: Descriptive Statistics, Probability and Likelihood | 7-9 April

Please note that our next series of Academic Training Lectures will take place on the 7, 8 and 9 April 2015 >>

Lifelines: faces and breaths from Palestine

The “Lifelines” drawing exhibition, which evokes the culture and atmosphere of Palestine, is on display in the Main Building from now until 5 April. Income from the sale of drawings will contribute to funding specialised training for the young artist behind the drawings. >>

News Articles

CERN's Community "Log Book" turns 50  
The slings and arrows of LHC restart schedules  
LHC Report: a brief deceleration  
Tracking the LHC halo  
MoEDAL: Passive but no less active  
KT Fund: Five years of funding for impact  
Intelum project: tackling the calorimetry challenge for future high-energy colliders  
Building 774: open for business  
New arrivals  
Did you miss the eclipse?  
Computer Security: CERN Secure Password Competition  

Official News

Administrative Circular No. 2 (Rev. 7) - Recruitment, appointment and possible developments regarding the contractual position of staff members  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in March and April 2015  
Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of July)  
Laser training courses: new purpose-built room for practical exercises  
Personal Development and Communication courses  
Language training  


Restaurant closures during holiday period  
2015 European School of High-Energy Physics  
Prévessin site: Pedestrian and cycle entrance  
THE Port is looking for your input  
Calibration of "Babyline" RP instruments  
Gate A: changes to opening hours  
CERN Accelerator School: Registration open for Advanced Accelerator Physics course  
Route Scherrer and Route Einstein closed for construction work  

Staff Association

The Director General withdraws its proposal to Council  
CERN Yachting club  
Cine club  
Orienteering club  
Record club  