

High-energy communication

On Wednesday at 10.40 a.m., the LHC operators declared “stable beams” after two years of technical stop and a few months of commissioning. It was an exciting day for all the teams involved, including those who worked on communicating the news to the public and the media on multiple platforms. >>

Stable beams

Stable beams: two simple words that carry so much meaning at CERN. When LHC page one switched from "squeeze" to "stable beams" at 10.40 a.m. on Wednesday, 3 June, it triggered scenes of jubilation in control rooms around the CERN sites, as the LHC experiments started to record physics data for the first time in 27 months. This is what CERN is here for, and it’s great to be back in business after such a long period of preparation for the next stage in the LHC adventure. >>

LHC Report: First stable beams at 6.5 TeV

Give or take some important loose ends, the morning of Wednesday, 3 June saw the nominal end of an intense eight weeks of beam commissioning and the delivery of the first stable beams at 6.5 TeV. Under the gaze of the media, 3 nominal bunches per beam were taken through the full cycle into collisions. This was followed by the declaration of stable beams, marking the start of Run 2 physics data-taking. >>

FameLab International Final: a triumph for Switzerland and CERN

Oskari Vinko, from ETH Zurich, who won the Swiss finals organised at CERN last May, is the winner of the 2015 FameLab competition. The CERN winner Lillian Smestad, member of the AEgIS collaboration from the Norwegian Research Council, shared second place with François-Xavier Joly from France, who also was among the trainees at the FameLab Master Classes organised by CERN in April. >>

CERN openlab Open Day

CERN openlab is the unique public-private partnership between CERN and leading companies in the field of information and communication technology. The programme is now entering an exciting new phase and is expanding to include other public research organisations for the first time. A special event will be held at CERN to mark this occasion. >>

EuroCirCol: A key to New Physics

Monday 1 June saw the start of EuroCirCol, the EC-funded part of the FCC study that will develop the conceptual design for an energy-frontier hadron collider. >>

Opening science to the world; opening the world to science

‘Engaging the research community towards an Open Science Commons’ was the main theme of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) annual conference that was held in Lisbon from 18 to 22 May. At the conference, the EGI­Engage project was launched and the European Open Science Cloud was discussed. >>

Plastic fish

In terms of weight, the plastic pollution in the world’s oceans is estimated to be around 300,000 tonnes. This plastic comes from both land-based and ocean-based sources. A lecture at CERN by chemist Wolfgang Trettnak addressed this issue and highlighted the role of art in raising people’s awareness. >>

Computer Security: The dilemma of fractal defence

Aren’t mathematical fractals just beautiful? The Mandelbrot set and the Julia set, the Sierpinski gasket, the Menger sponge, the Koch curve (see here)… Based on very simple mathematical rules, they quickly develop into a mosaic of facets slightly different from each other. More and more features appear the closer you zoom into a fractal and expose similar but not identical features of the overall picture. >>

Ombud’s Corner: Bystanders, you can have a role too

If you find yourself repeatedly witnessing a situation of inter personal conflict or tension between other colleagues, you have a choice: you can either turn a blind eye to it or you can try to help. In the latter case, you may wish to get another perspective or some guidance before taking steps. >>

Matthieu Cattin (1982 - 2015) - Hervé Milcent (1965 - 2015)

Hervé Milcent and Matthieu Cattin lost their lives in an avalanche in the Becs de Bosson area of Valais, Switzerland, on Sunday, 12 April. These two mountain sport enthusiasts were clearly very dear to many people, including all those who came to say a final farewell at their funerals, in Thoiry (the Ain) and Breuleux (Jura) respectively. >>

Traffic modifications on Routes Rutherford, Democrite and Fermi

The GS Department would like to inform you that until the end of December, the construction of Building 245 will result in the following traffic modifications: >>

Official News

108TH ACCU Meeting  
Next Indefinite Contract review exercise  

Training and Development

“Communication: Science or Art?” – What’s new?  
Safety Training: places available in May and June 2015  
Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of 2015)  


Change of mobile telephony operator and mobile telephone numbers - 24 June 2015  
Traffic modifications on Routes Rutherford, Democrite and Fermi  
A powerful search for EDMS 6  
CERN Accelerator School: Intensity Limitations in Particle Beams | 2-11 November  
New book in the Bookshop: "Recipes for Peace, Rights and Well-Being"  
Physics and medicine: ICTR-PHE 2016 opens abstract submission  
A new look for the CERN car sharing service  


CERN openlab Open Day | 10 June  

Staff Association

CERN, flagship of European scientific collaboration  
60th Anniversary  
Micro club  
Cine club  
Petanque Club  