

Blood Donation | 21-22 July

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Summer Restaurant opening times

Restaurant No. 1: Open as usual in July and August. Open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Thursday, 10 September (Jeûne genevois). >>

Physics and medicine: ICTR-PHE 2016 opens abstract submission

The third edition of the joint ICTR (International Conference on Transnational Research in Radiation Oncology) and PHE (Physics for Health in Europe) conference (see here) will take place from 15 to 19 February 2016 at the Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG). This biennial event, co-organised by CERN, has become a staple amongst the scientific communities involved in multidisciplinary research at the crossing of physics, medicine, and biology. >>

Doing business with CERN

The Procurement Service, in collaboration with the Communications group’s Design team, has recently launched a new information campaign targeted at companies wishing to supply their products and services to CERN. This campaign comprises: >>

Going on holiday? Travelling on duty? Do you know what to do if your mobile phone is lost or stolen?

It’s summertime and many of us will be going on holiday, perhaps far away from Geneva. Duty travel also takes many of us far away from CERN from time to time. You probably know how to cancel your credit cards if they are lost or stolen, but do you know how to block your CERN mobile phone from use? >>

Work on the Building 4 car park and closure of Entrance A

From 6 July to 31 October 2015, the GS department will be carrying out renovation work on the car park next to Buildings 4 and 5. This work is aimed at improving safety on and around the car park for all users, particularly children attending the nursery school, pedestrians and cyclists. >>

Announcement by the Internal Transport Service

The Shipping Service requests all users of wooden pallets, freight containers and lids that are no longer in use to contact the Internal Transport Service of the GS department (George Truelove), which is responsible for collecting and returning them to the Goods Reception Service in Buildings 904 and 194. >>

Traffic modifications on Routes Rutherford, Democrite and Fermi

The GS Department would like to inform you that, until the end of December, the construction of Building 245 will result in the following traffic modifications: >>

News Articles

CERN innovators tackle humanitarian needs  
Our humanity at CERN  
LHC Report: intensity ramp-up – familiar demons  
CERN’s experiment database gets a facelift  
A drone flight over ESO’s experimental sites in Chile  
CERN Summer Student Webfest: a cradle of creativity  
Fully electric waste collection  
Bike2Work: and the winners are...  
Italy's Prime Minister visits CERN  
Computer Security: “Hello World” - Welcome to CERN  
Bernard Hyams (1925 - 2015)  

Official News

Education fees – New forms  
Next Indefinite Contract review exercise  

Training and Development

Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of 2015)  
Coming soon - Launch of e-learning initiative for supervisors  

Staff Association

Et pourquoi pas au CERN ?  
Presidents' Words  
Collection for Philippines  
Cine club  