

Springer Publishing book booth | 8-9 October

Continuing the spirit of the CERN Book Fairs of the past years, Springer Publishing will have a book booth in the foyer of the Main Building, from 8 to 9 October. Some of the latest titles in particle physics and related fields will be on sale. >>

It’s time to go “Back to the Future”!

Grab your hoverboard, charge up your flux capacitor and join the CERN CinéClub to watch the “Back to the Future part 2” film [1989] that takes the characters into the future to 21 October 2015.   >>

News Articles

BL4S, or how CERN sets the stage for teenage scientists  
Breaking the Rules  
Guido Altarelli (1941 - 2015)  
LHC Report: Cloudy with sunny spells  
ENLIGHT envisions its future  
Monitoring underground movements  
Two generations of klystrons reunited  
CBI students: ready for new challenges  
Main building fire drill safely concluded  
Researchers' Night: science at the shops  
Photowalk 2015: CERN as seen by a photographer  
CERN welcomes the Spanish Vice-President  
Cosmic visits  
"PhD Comics" author Jorge Cham on the power of procrastination  
"Hello!" from Crosby and Nash  
Nobel laureate in literature visits CERN  
Italian singer Annalisa at CERN for a week of filming  
New arrivals  
Highlights from e-EPS: Women in physics: challenging the established stereotypes?  
From the CERN web: antihydrogen, ROOT, protons and more  
Computer Security: posting and mis-posting  

Training and Development

Launch of technical trainings for programmers  
Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of 2015)  
Places available – Leadership programme (up to the end of 2015)  
Places available - Personal development and communication courses (up to the end of 2015)  


Closure of the Car Pool in building 130 until 6 November  
Vaccination against seasonal flu  
2016 Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS) - Registrations  
2016 European School of Instrumentation in Particle and Astroparticle Physics (ESIPAP) - Registrations  
Register now for ISOTDAQ 2016  
Roof renovation of buildings 128 and 129  
Work on the Building 4 car park and closure of Entrance A  
Traffic modifications on Routes Rutherford, Democrite and Fermi  

Staff Association

Public meetings  
Elections for staff representatives – Join, commit and vote!  
Collection for Refugee and Migration Crisis  
Petanque Club  
Orienteering Club  
Scuba club  
Cine club  