Academic Training Lectures | The Cosmological Constant Problem | 12-13 November
Please note that the next series of Academic Training Lectures will take place on the 12 and 13 November. The lectures will be given by Antonio Padilla (University of Nottingham, UK).
The Cosmological Constant Problem (1/2)
on Thursday, 12 November from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The Cosmological Constant Problem (2/2)
on Friday, 13 November from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
at CERN, Council Chamber (503-1-001)
Description: I will review the cosmological constant problem as a serious challenge to our notion of naturalness in Physics. Weinberg’s no go theorem is worked through in detail. I review a number of proposals possibly including Linde's universe multiplication, Coleman's wormholes, the fat graviton, and SLED, to name a few. Large distance modifications of gravity are also discussed, with causality considerations pointing towards a global modification as being the most sensible option. The global nature of the cosmological constant problem is also emphasized, and as a result, the sequestering scenario is reviewed in some detail, demonstrating the cancellation of the Standard Model vacuum energy through a global modification of General Relativity.