

Registration of vehicles at the Gex sous-préfecture: now by appointment only

The Gex sous-préfecture has informed CERN that it has taken the following steps in order to reduce waiting times at its counters for the issue of carte grise vehicle registration certificates. As of 1 February 2016, you must book an appointment via the website for all services relating to the registration of vehicles, in particular the: >>

Fourth Thematic CERN School of Computing

About: The Thematic Schools are part of the annual series of CERN Schools of Computing, to promote advanced learning and knowledge exchange on the subject of scientific computing between young scientists and engineers involved in particle physics or other sciences.  They are shorter and more focused than the main summer CERN School of Computing, but still maintain the same guiding principles: an academic dimension covering advanced topics; theory and practice; networking and socialisation. Applications will be accepted until 15 February 2016. >>

Take part in a Django Girls training!

Women are often under-represented in IT. And yet, at any age and whatever their level and background, it is a field that can arouse much interest.  >>

2016 CERN-JINR European School of High-Energy Physics

The 2016 CERN-JINR European School of High-Energy Physics will take place in Skeikampen (near to Lillehammer), Norway, on 15-28 June 2016. >>

Where students turn into teachers: the 9th Inverted CERN School of Computing

Attendance is free and open to everyone, and will be webcast for those who cannot attend in person. The programme consists mainly of individual lectures on single topics, while some lectures are complementary to each other and can be followed as a series. Registration is not compulsory, but will allow you to obtain a hard copy of the booklet, which includes the lecture slides and notes (while stocks last). Programme & registration: iCSC2016 >>

Wanted: Moderators for International Masterclasses in Particle Physics

The International Masterclasses in Particle Physics give high school students from around the world the opportunity to become particle physicists for a day. CERN physicists are invited to participate in next year’s Masterclass programme, to be held from 11 February to 23 March 2016. >>

News Articles

First year of data taking at high energy for MoEDAL  
The Chamonix workshop: a key point in the CERN calendar  
Latest news from the YETS: keeping up the pace  
Chamonix 2016: setting the future course for the LHC and the accelerator complex  
CERN and the environment  
Ninety-six hours to build a prototype robot showing human emotions  
Visit of the President of the Republic of Lithuania  
Prime Minister of Pakistan visits CERN  
Year-end technical stop: train to work safely  
From the CERN web: WEF, ALPHA, CAST and more  
Computer Security: transparent monitoring for your protection  
Ombud’s Corner: sowing the seeds of trust… continued  
Pierre Charrue (1961 - 2016)  

Official News

Staff Rules and Regulations - Modification N°10 to the 11th edition  

Training and Development

LabVIEW workshops 2016: a free and fun way to learn a new programming language  
Safety Training: places available in February 2016  
AXEL-2016: Introduction to Particle Accelerators  


CERN Computing Colloquium | Computer Security in 2016: Where are we and what to expect | 8 February  
Lecture | Accelerating innovation... in medicine: sound for health | 16 February  

Staff Association

Quoi de neuf au Jardin d’enfants ?  
Cine club  
Golf club  
Yoga club  