

LHC Report: stoat-ally back on track!

Electrical equipment that was damaged by the beech marten has been repaired. The LHC is back on track with ever higher beam intensity.  >>

A great start for the whole CERN accelerator chain

With physics data-taking under way this week at the LHC, I’d like to take a look at what’s been happening at the rest of the CERN accelerator chain. >>

Federico Antinori elected as the new ALICE Spokesperson

On 8 April 2016 the ALICE Collaboration Board elected Federico Antinori from INFN Padova (Italy) as the new ALICE Spokesperson. >>

CMS releases new batch of LHC open data

CMS makes 300 TB of high-quality data from the LHC available to the public through the CERN Open Data Portal. >>

How to help CERN to run more simulations

With LHC@home you can actively contribute to the computing capacity of the Laboratory! >>

Fourth Doctoral Student Assembly

On 10 May, over 130 PhD students and their supervisors, from both CERN and partner universities, gathered for the 4th Doctoral Student Assembly in the Council Chamber. >>

Computer Security: ransomware - when it is too late...

“Ransomware is a type of malware that restricts access to the infected computer system in some way, and demands that the user pay a ransom to the malware operators to remove the restriction.    >>

Ombud’s Corner: third letter from ombudsland - focus on fairness

Spring is here again, and once again it is time for the annual conference of the International Ombudsman Association. >>

Bike to Work: On yer bike!

Sign up now for "Bike to Work" initiative! It's the best way to combine a gesture for the environment with an action for your health!    >>

Official News

Elections to the Mutual Aid Fund  
Family benefits – Obligation to provide information  
Residence in Switzerland of partners of members of the personnel  
Leave for illness/accident or in the event of illness of a close relative - New medical certificate templates  


Speed limit on the Route de l’Europe  
Bike to Work: On yer bike!  
CERN openlab ‘open day’ marks 15 years of fruitful collaboration  
"Innovation on big data for healthy living" | Summer School | 27 June - 6 July 2016  
Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2017) conference | 15-20 May 2017 | Shanghai  
SaferNanoDesign Summer School | 13-18 June  
The 39th CERN School of Computing goes to Belgium: apply now!  


Science Me! | 09-10 July | Geneva  
Developers@CERN Forum | Python at CERN | 30 – 31 May  

Staff Association

L’apprentissage au CERN  
Summer Mini Atomiade June 2016  
Collection for Ecuador  
Nursery school  
CERN Choir  
Cine club  
Croquet club