

LHC Report: focus on luminosity

The intensity ramp-up of the LHC beams resumed last Friday after the main powering system of the PS accelerator was put back in service.  >>

What makes CERN’s research great

As a newcomer to CERN, I find myself both honoured and humbled to have had the role of Research Director confided in me for five years.  >>

New tool in place to support authors and CERN as a publisher

CERN has published the Yellow Reports since the inception of the Laboratory. Until now this activity has followed a traditional, largely manual publishing workflow. Thanks to its new publishing platform, the CERN Publishing Service now offers a modern tool to the CERN community for its in-house publishing needs, managing the publication workflow from the submission of manuscripts to peer-review and publication. >>

Understanding parking habits at CERN

The SMB department is setting up a monitoring system in certain CERN car parks in order to evaluate their occupancy rates and subsequently make them easier to use.  >>

One woman’s journey in physics

Renowned theoretical physicist Mary K Gaillard delivered a scientific seminar and presented her book “A singularly unfeminine profession” at CERN. >>

A tour in sign language

In early May, CERN welcomed a group of deaf children for a tour of Microcosm and a Fun with Physics demonstration. >>

CERN’s annual relay a runaway success

With a record participation of 128 teams of six runners each, this year’s CERN Relay Race took place on 19 May on the Meyrin site. >>

Happy birthday, Jack Steinberger

Even if he’s recently stopped coming to CERN on his bike, Jack Steinberger and his piercing blue eyes are still regular visitors to our corridors. As he celebrates his 95th birthday, we pay tribute to one of CERN’s greatest scientists. >>

Computer Security: pimp up your password

In the past, we have repeatedly stated the importance of a well-chosen, complex and unique password, for your account at CERN (see the article “Oops, there it goes…”), but also for your accounts on Facebook, Amazon and all other sites (see the article “The value of your password”). While this is all still valid, it might not be enough anymore… >>

Ombud’s Corner: “It’s not fair…”

The perception of unfair treatment in the workplace can often lead to conflict and a sense of demotivation, which ultimately leaves us feeling discouraged and helpless. What are some of the strategies that would allow managers to prevent or limit the risk of allowing these situations to develop or, on the other hand, as colleagues facing these circumstances, to cope with these feelings and to move on? >>

Bike to Work: On yer bike!

Sign up now for "Bike to Work" initiative! It's the best way to combine a gesture for the environment with an action for your health!    >>

Guido Altarelli Memorial Symposium | 10 June 2016

For more information, visit this Indico page. >>

Official News

112th ACCU Meeting  
Elections to the Mutual Aid Fund  
Family benefits – Obligation to provide information  
Leave for illness/accident or in the event of illness of a close relative - New medical certificate templates  
Residence in Switzerland of partners of members of the personnel  


Summer Mini Atomiade in June 2016  
The CERN Accelerator School  
Bike to Work: On yer bike!  
Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2017) conference | 15-20 May 2017 | Shanghai  
Speed limit on the Route de l’Europe  
CERN openlab ‘open day’ marks 15 years of fruitful collaboration  
"Innovation on big data for healthy living" | Summer School | 27 June - 6 July 2016  
SaferNanoDesign Summer School | 13-18 June  


Open Science & Open Data Global Sprint 2016 | 2–3 June 2016  
Holland@CERN | 30 May - 2 June 2016  
Early-career researchers in medical applications @ CERN | 6 June | Main Auditorium  
Université de Genève | Physics Colloquium | 6 June  
Guido Altarelli Memorial Symposium | 10 June 2016  
CERN Choir's concert | 11 June 2016 | Geneva  
Diversity in Action workshop | 14 June | Business Center Technoparc  
Science Me! | 09-10 July | Geneva  

Staff Association

CERN Relay Race: a great success!  
Apprenticeship at CERN  
Croquet club  
Cine club  
Learning Classical Music Club  