New gate for pedestrians and bikes on Prévessin site

On Wednesday 1 June, the SMB Department announced the opening of a new pedestrian and bike automated gate on the Prévessin site, near the “Déchetterie” of Saint-Genis-Pouilly, on the road “Chemin du Moulin des Ponts”.


The gate is open to all CERN personnel 24h/24h with their access card. (Find it here on the GIS website).

This gate was generously financed with the help of the EN, BE and TE Departments, and the planning and construction were completed in record time by the team taking care of CERN site access.

The timing is perfect for the start of the Bike2Work initiative, which started on 1 June. A record number of 136 teams signed up. If you want to participate, it is not too late, you can sign up here.

We remind that safe commuting is imperative. It is now possible to cycle from the CERN hostel in Saint-Genis-Pouilly to the CERN Prévessin site using quiet back roads to get to the new entrance on “Chemin du Moulin des Ponts”. So from now on you can all avoid to cycle on the route nationale (D35).