

Six new projects will bridge gap between CERN and society

Knowledge Transfer Fund awarded over six hundred thousand Swiss francs to six projects in 2016. >>

Why diversity means more than just gender

In this, my first message to the personnel, I’d like to focus on diversity. In all my time representing Switzerland in Council bodies, and looking at CERN from the outside, I was always impressed by the way in which the Organization deals with this issue. Fairness is intrinsic to a place like CERN, as it is to science, and I think that’s the key, because fairness is at the heart of nurturing diversity. >>

LHC Report: staying cool despite record highs

These two last weeks have been a highlight of LHC operation so far, delivering record luminosity. >>

CERN's IT Consultancy Team: a new IT project support service

Newly created IT Consultancy Team provides advice on IT matters to communities at CERN starting new projects or reviewing computing activities of old. >>

Come and play with HEAL in Microcosm!

A new interactive game in Microcosm informs about hadron therapy – come and test it!   >>

Horses help to maintain CERN's forests

On the initiative of the Office National des Forêts, France’s forestry commission, horses are helping to remove trees cut down in CERN’s forests. >>

High Energy Sailors

The High Energy Ladies, the CERN Yachting Club’s ladies’ team, were the first all-female team to complete the Geneva-Rolle-Geneva race on 4-5 June. >>

Baby falcon rescued on CERN site

This baby falcon was found on Tuesday, 7 June near a car parked in the Building 40 carpark. >>

Computer Security: drive-bye

Like a lion waiting to ambush gazelles at a waterhole, malware can catch you by surprise.  >>

Ombud’s Corner: are you being served?

A few weeks ago, I overheard a conversation in the cafeteria where a colleague was asked how it was that he was always smiling… his answer was immediate - “That’s easy”, he said, “I work in such a great place – great science, great people, great opportunities…”. Amidst the general laughter and acquiescent nodding that followed, I found myself musing on this response and thinking about all the different services that play their part in achieving the mission that inspired this sentiment. >>

Thomas Walter Bannerman Kibble (1932 - 2016)

Tom Kibble, an internationally-renowned theoretical physicist, passed away on Thursday 2 June. >>

Irene Vichou (1964 - 2016)

It was with great sadness that we learnt that Irene Vichou, our much appreciated ATLAS colleague, had passed away in April after an illness. >>

Catherine Magnier (1968 - 2016)

Catherine, you arrived at CERN in May 2000 as a mechanical draughtswoman in the TS department’s mechanical studies office.  >>

Presenting CineGlobe Estival! | 6 - 10 July

Join CineGlobe under a projected starry sky for a film festival and games with a neuroscience twist. >>

Official News

Director general presentation to personnel  
Next HR Department public meeting  
Change to mobile telephony coverage and billing in France  


New gate for pedestrians and bikes on Prévessin site  
Telephony user survey  
CERN Entrepreneur Mixer | 21 June | Pas perdus  
10% discount at Novae restaurants for students  
Applications open for THE Port 2016: Humanitarian Hackathon  
The sun and its impact on your health - Use it, don't abuse it  
The CERN Accelerator School  
Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2017) conference | 15-20 May 2017 | Shanghai  
Speed limit on the Route de l’Europe  
"Innovation on big data for healthy living" | Summer School | 27 June - 6 July 2016  


Presenting CineGlobe Estival! | 6 - 10 July  
Science Me! | 09-10 July | Geneva  

Staff Association

A page is turned with the departure of Anne-Sylvie Catherin  
Echo calling: What were the factors that enabled CERN to become the world's top fundamental research laboratory ?  
Cine club  
Croquet club  