

Cryogenic Ice Cream Days at CERN | 21 - 22 September 2016   >>

UNIGE in space... hunting astroparticles

Switzerland has a long history of involvement in cosmic-ray physics and space research projects: some of the most notable examples are its pioneering research since the beginning of the 20th century; its co-founding of major European space organisations; its provision of state-of-the-art scientific equipment to major international space agencies and the missions of a Swiss astronaut in the 1990s. >>

ICE-DIP closing workshop - Public session | 14 September

ICE-DIP, the Intel-CERN European Doctorate Industrial Program (see here), is a European Industrial Doctorate scheme (see here) led by CERN. The focus of the project, which launched in 2013, has been the development of techniques for acquiring and processing data that are relevant for the trigger and data-acquisition systems of the LHC experiments. >>

CERN Library | Pauline Gagnon presents the book "Who cares about particle physics? : making sense of the Higgs boson, the Large Hadron Collider and CERN" | 15 September

"Who cares about particle physics? : making sense of the Higgs boson, the Large Hadron Collider and CERN ", by Pauline Gagnon. >>

CMS Create #2 | 3-4 October | Register now!

CMS Create brings together CERN members and students from IPAC Design Genève (see here). The goal is to build a prototype exhibit illustrating what CMS does and how it does it. The exhibit will introduce the world of a particle physics detector to the general public, and to younger visitors in particular.  >>

Geneva Mix & Mash | 13 September | Brasserie des Halles de l'Île

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Conference: Probing the warped side of our Universe with gravitational waves and computer simulations | 16 September | Uni Dufour

Probing the warped side of our Universe with gravitational waves and computer simulations, by Kip Thorne, recipient of the Tomalla Prize for Gravity 2016. >>

Conference: Seeing two black holes merge (with gravitational waves!) | 14 September | Uni Dufour

GW150914: the first direct observation of gravitational waves from the inspiral and merger of two black holes - Conference by Prof. Bruce Allen, Albert Einstein Institute Hannover. >>

Cryogenic Safety HSE Seminar | 21 - 23 September 2016

With the LHC being the world’s largest superconducting installation, it’s not surprising that CERN is a world leader in cryogenic safety. >>

News Articles

New open source medical imaging tools released by CERN and University of Bath collaboration  
Making CERN a modern and attractive employer  
A professional culture at CERN  
LHC Report: LHC hit the target!  
Romania's flag raised at CERN  
CERN featured as leader in Global Innovation Index  
Computer Security: White hats for CERN  
Ombud’s Corner: the gift of feedback  
Erwin Gabathuler (1933 - 2016)  

Official News

Staff Rules and Regulations - Modification No. 11 to the 11th edition  
Administrative Circular No. 13 (Rev. 4) - Guarantees for representatives of the personnel  
Administrative Circular No. 22B (Rev. 2) - Compensation for hours of long-term shift work  
Administrative Circular No. 23 (Rev. 4) - Special working hours  
Administrative Cicular No. 31 (Rev. 2) - International indemnity and non-resident allowance  
Individual breakdown of pension rights  
Annual Information Meeting of the Pension Fund | 26 October  
Elections to the Senior Staff Advisory Committee (“The Nine”) 2016  
Procedure for the delivering of personal short-term visitor dosimeters  

Training and Development

Safety Training: "Habilitation électrique - Electrician Low Voltage - Initial" course in October  
Upcoming training sessions (up to end October) - Places available  


Register now for ISOTDAQ 2017  
News regarding Mobility at CERN  
New location of the Learning and Development group  
Bike to work safely  
New AIDA-2020 call for breakthrough detector technologies  

Staff Association

Five-Yearly Review: the Staff Association keeps you informed!  
Rugby club  
Cine club  
Orienteering club  
Petanque club  