

Modifications sur l'autoroute A1 - secteur Genève Aéroport   >>

Don't miss the 2016 CERN Road Race   >>

Network migration for printers   >>

Register now for ISOTDAQ 2017

The International School of Trigger and Data Acquisition (ISOTDAQ) 2017 is the eighth in a series of International Schools dedicated to introducing MSc and PhD students to the "arts and crafts" of triggering and acquiring data for physics experiments. >>

New location of the Learning and Development group

The HR-LD group would like to inform you that, owing to renovations, the service currently located on the fourth floor of Building 5 will be moving to the first floor of Building 653 for around eight months from September 2016. >>

New AIDA-2020 call for breakthrough detector technologies

Physicists, engineers, and industry will be interested in a new proof-of-concept fund for breakthrough projects from the general field of detector development and testing. >>

News Articles

De-squeeze the beams: the TOTEM and ATLAS/ALFA experiments  
There’s more to particle physics at CERN than colliders  
News from Council - September 2016  
LHC Report: playing with angles  
LHCb Early Career Scientist Awards  
The fourth edition of the ASP took place in Kigali  
How the LHC is inspiring a Smart Urban Farm Startup  
Computer Security: e-mail is broken and there is nothing we can do  
Ombud’s Corner: the gift of feedback (part 2)  
Johan Blouw (1968 - 2016)  
Siegmund Brandt (1936 – 2016)  
Werner Kienzle (1936 – 2016)  

Official News

SAFETY ALERT - Failure of brass non-return valves in gas point installations  
Annual Information Meeting of the Pension Fund | 26 October  
Elections to the Senior Staff Advisory Committee (“The Nine”) 2016  

Training and Development

Safety Training: "Habilitation électrique - Electrician Low Voltage - Initial" course in October  
Upcoming training sessions (up to end October) - Places available  


KT seminar on entrepreneurship | "From CERN engineer to company founder: my journey" by Julio Lucas | 26 September  
CERN Library | Carlos Chimal presents his book "El Universo en un puñado de átomos" | 26 September  
European Researchers’ Night: Activities at CERN for All Audiences | 30 September  
“France@CERN” 2016 | 3-4 October  
Diversity Programme | Tasneem Zahra Husain presents her book “Only the Longest Threads” | 4 October  
Cryogenic Ice Cream Days at CERN | 21-22 September 2016  
UNIGE in space... hunting astroparticles  
CMS Create #2 | 3-4 October | Register now!  

Staff Association

Children’s Day-Care Centre (EVE) and School kicked off the school year 2016-2017  
Nicolas Delruelle  
Offre pour nos membres  
Cine club  