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CERN Accelerating science

CMS Bulletin

CERN Open Days at CMS
The open configuration of the CMS detector during LS1 allowed thousands of visitors to take in its breath-taking beauty during the CERN Open Days in September..
CMSBUL-EDITORIAL-2013-003.- 2013 - Published in : , no. 3/2013, pp. 1

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SAFETY / Niels Dupont
CERN Safety rules and Radiation Protection at CMS The CERN Safety rules are defined by the Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Protection Unit (HSE Unit), CERN’s institutional authority and central Safety organ attached to the Director General. In particular the Radiation Protection group (DGS-RP1) ensures that personnel on the CERN sites and the public are protected from potentially harmful effects of ionising radiation linked to CERN activities [...]
CMSBUL-ARTICLE-2013-055.- 2013 - Published in : , no. 3/2013, pp. 18

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The organisation of the Open Days at the end of September was the single biggest effort of the CMS Communications Group this year. We would like to thank all volunteers for their hard work to show our Point 5 facilities and explain science and technology to the general public. [...]
CMSBUL-ARTICLE-2013-054.- 2013 - Published in : , no. 3/2013, pp. 17

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PHYSICS PERFORMANCE & DATASET (PPD) / L. Silvestris, P. Azzi, C. Cerminara, M. Pierini with contributions from R. Castello, M. De Mattia, S. Di Guida, A. Pfeiffer, F. De Guio, D. Duggan, M. Ojeda-Sandonis, M. Rovere, G. Boudoul, G. Franzoni, P. Srimanobhas, J.-R. Vlimant. Edited by K. Aspola.
  Despite the LHC shutdown, the past six months of 2013 have been extremely intense for our coordination area. All the PPD teams are engaged on three major fronts: the exploitation of the 2011 and 2012 data, the preparation of the post-LS1 data taking and the support to the studies for the upgrade of the detector. [...]
CMSBUL-ARTICLE-2013-053.- 2013 - Published in : , no. 3/2013, pp. 14

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A new Muon misalignment scenario for 2011 (7 TeV) Monte Carlo re-processing was re-leased. The scenario is based on running of standard track-based reference-target algorithm (exactly as in data) using single-muon simulated sample (with the transverse-momentum spectrum matching data). [...]
CMSBUL-ARTICLE-2013-052.- 2013 - Published in : , no. 3/2013, pp. 9

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MUON DETECTORS: DT / Marco Dallavalle
The DT group is undertaking substantial work both for detector maintenance and for detec-tor upgrade. Maintenance interventions on chambers and minicrates require close collaboration between DT, RPC and HO, and are difficult because they depend on the removal of thermal shields and cables on the front and rear of the chambers in order to gain access. [...]
CMSBUL-ARTICLE-2013-051.- 2013 - Published in : , no. 3/2013, pp. 6

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TECHNICAL COORDINATION / Austin Ball ; Wolfram Zeuner
  Since the last report, much visible progress has been made, as the LS1 programme approaches the halfway point. From early October, technical and safety shift-crew have been present around the clock, allowing detectors to stay switched on overnight, ensuring that safety systems are operational and instructions for non-expert shift-crew are clear. [...]
CMSBUL-ARTICLE-2013-050.- 2013 - Published in : , no. 3/2013, pp. 1

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UPGRADES / D. Contardo and J. Spalding
The three post-LS1 Phase 1 Upgrade projects (the L1-Trigger, Pixel Tracker, and HCAL) are all making excellent progress and are transitioning from the prototype to the execution phase. Meanwhile plans are developing for Phase 2, a major Upgrade programme targeting the third long shutdown, LS3 [...]
CMSBUL-ARTICLE-2013-049.- 2013 - Published in : , no. 3/2013, pp. 16

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PHYSICS / Christopher Hill ; Greg Landsberg ; Luca Malgeri
Since the last CMS Bulletin, the CMS Physics Analysis Groups have completed more than 70 new analyses, many of which are based on the complete Run 1 dataset. In parallel the Snowmass whitepaper on projected discovery potential of CMS for HL-LHC has been completed, while the ECFA HL-LHC future physics studies has been summarised in a report and nine published benchmark analyses. [...]
CMSBUL-ARTICLE-2013-048.- 2013 - Published in : , no. 3/2013, pp. 15

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OFFLINE / Fabio Cossutti ; Peter Elmer ; and SEXTON-KENNEDY Elizabeth
  The second half of 2013 has been devoted to the validation of the 6_2_X cycle, while developing the 7_0_X one. In order to cope with the needs of the Physics group, its deadline has been extended till the beginning of next year. [...]
CMSBUL-ARTICLE-2013-047.- 2013 - Published in : , no. 3/2013, pp. 13

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