CERN Accelerating science


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Fully upgraded $\beta$-NMR setup at ISOLDE for high-precision high-field studies / Jankowski, M. (CERN ; Darmstadt, Tech. U.) ; Azaryana, N. (Mickiewicz U., Poznan) ; Baranowski, M. (CERN ; Mickiewicz U., Poznan) ; Bissell, M.L. (CERN ; Manchester U.) ; Brand, H. (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Chojnacki, M. (CERN ; Geneva U.) ; Croese, J. (CERN ; Geneva U. ; TNO/TPD Space Instrum.) ; Dziubinska-Kühn, K.M. (CERN ; Leipzig U. ; Maastricht U.) ; Karg, B. (Geneva U.) ; Madurga Flores, M. (Tennessee U.) et al.
$\beta$-NMR is an advancing technique that enables measurements relevant to various fields of research, ranging from physics to chemistry and biology. [...]
- 15.

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Detailed study of the decay of $^{21}$Mg / IS507 Collaboration
Beta-delayed proton and gamma emission in the decay of $^{21}$Mg has been measured at ISOLDE, CERN with the ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS) set-up. The existing decay scheme is updated, in particular what concerns proton transitions to excited states in $^{20}$Ne. [...]
- Published in : The European Physical Journal A60 (2024) 153 Fulltext: PDF;

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Detailed structure of Sn131 populated in the β decay of isomerically purified In131 states / IDS Collaboration
The excited structure of the single-hole nucleus Sn131 populated by the β− decay of In131 was investigated in detail at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. This new experiment took advantage of isomeric purification capabilities provided by resonant ionization, making it possible to independently study the decay of each isomer for the first time. [...]
2024 - 19 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 110 (2024) 014328 Fulltext: PDF;

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On the nature of yrast states in neutron-rich polonium isotopes / IDS Collaboration
Polonium isotopes having two protons above the shell closure at $Z=82$ show a wide variety of low-lying high-spin isomeric states across the whole chain. [...]
- 6 p.

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Decay study of <math><mmultiscripts><mi>Be</mi><mprescripts/><none/><mn>11</mn></mmultiscripts></math> with an optical time-projection chamberDecay study of $^{11}$Be with an Optical TPC detector / ISOLDE Collaboration
The $\beta$ decay of one-neutron halo nucleus $^{11}$Be was investigated using the Warsaw Optical Time Projection Chamber (OTPC) detector to measure $\beta$-delayed charged particles. The results of two experiments are reported [...]
arXiv:2407.09846.- 2024-09-26 - 16 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 110 (2024) 034328 Fulltext: 2407.09846 - PDF; Publication - PDF;

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Diffusion of $^6$Li in Tantalum and Tungsten Studied by the Neutron Depth Profiling Technique / Vacik, J (Rez, Nucl. Phys. Inst.) ; Köster, U (CERN) ; Hnatowicz, V (Rez, Nucl. Phys. Inst.) ; Cervena, J (Rez, Nucl. Phys. Inst.) ; Pasold, G (Jena U.)
Diffusion of $^6$Li in the refractory metals Ta and W has been studied using thenondestructive neutron depth profiling technique. The preliminary results point out the complex behavior of $^6$Li atoms in W and Ta. [...]
2005 - 6 p. - Published in : Defect Diff. Forum 237-240 (2005) 485-490

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Nuclear Level Density and $\gamma$-ray Strength Function of $^{67}\mathrm{Ni}$ and the impact on the i-process / ISOLDE Collaboration
Proton-$\gamma$ coincidences from $(\mathrm{d},\mathrm{p})$ reactions between a $^{66}\mathrm{Ni}$ beam and a deuterated polyethylene target have been analyzed with the inverse-Oslo method to find the nuclear level density (NLD) and $\gamma$-ray strength function ($\gamma$SF) of $^{67}\mathrm{Ni}$. [...]
- 16 p.

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Production study of Fr, Ra and Ac radioactive ion beams at ISOLDE, CERN / Jajčišinová, E (Geel, JRC ; Leuven U.) ; Dockx, K (Leuven U.) ; Au, M (CERN) ; Bara, S (Leuven U.) ; Cocolios, T E (Leuven U.) ; Chrysalidis, K (CERN) ; Farooq‑Smith, G J (Leuven U. ; Edinburgh U.) ; Fedorov, D V (Unlisted) ; Fedosseev, V N (CERN) ; Flanagan, K T (Manchester U.) et al.
The presented paper discusses the production of radioactive ion beams of francium, radium, and actinium from thick uranium carbide (UC$_{x}$) targets at ISOLDE, CERN. This study focuses on the release curves and extractable yields of francium, radium and actinium isotopes. [...]
2024 - 9 p. - Published in : Sci. Rep. 14 (2024) 11033 Fulltext: PDF;

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Structural formation yield of GeV centers from implanted Ge in diamond / Wahl, Ulrich (IST, Lisbon (main)) ; Correia, João Guilherme (IST, Lisbon (main)) ; Costa, Ângelo (Leuven U.) ; Lamelas, Afonso (Aveiro U.) ; Amaral, Vítor (Aveiro U.) ; Johnston, Karl (CERN) ; Magchiels, Goele (Leuven U.) ; Tunhuma, Shandirai Malven (Leuven U.) ; Vantomme, André (Leuven U.) ; Pereira, Lino M C (Leuven U.)
In order to study the structural formation yield of germanium-vacancy (GeV) centers from implanted Ge in diamond, we have investigated its lattice location by using the β$^{−}$ emission channeling technique from the radioactive isotope $^{75}$Ge (t$_{1/2}$ = 83 min) produced at the ISOLDE/CERN facility. $^{75}$Ge was introduced via recoil implantation following 30 keV ion implantation of the precursor isotope $^{75}$Ga (126 s) with fluences around 2 × 10$^{12}$–5 × 10$^{13}$ cm$^{−2}$. [...]
2024 - 16 p. - Published in : Mat. Quant. Tech. 4 (2024) 025101 Fulltext: PDF;

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Diffusion of Implanted 195Au Radiotracer Atoms in Amorphous Silicon under Irradiation with 1 Mev-N+ Ions / Voss, T (Stuttgart, Max Planck Inst.) ; Scharwaechter, P (Stuttgart, Max Planck Inst.) ; Frank, W (Stuttgart, Max Planck Inst. ; CERN) /ISOLDE Collaboration
The diffusion of implanted $^{195}$Au in Au-doped amorphous Si was studied, partly under N$^+$-irradiation by means of a radiotracer technique, in which the serial sectioning of the specimens was done by Ar$^+$-beam sputtering. It was found that high implantation doses in combination with great diffusion lengths give rise to complicated shapes of the diffusion profiles. [...]
2001 - 8 p. - Published in : Defect Diff. Forum 194-199 (2001) 659-666

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