2024-04-10 16:13 |
レコードの詳細 - ほとんど同じレコード
2024-04-10 14:00 |
Testing the mass separation capabilities of the new ISOLDE isobar separator
/ Nies, L (CERN, Switzerland) ; Fischer, P (University of Greifswald, Germany) ; Giesel, P F (University of Greifswald, Germany) ; Lange, D (MPIK, Germany) ; Lechner, S (CERN, Switzerland) ; Maier, F M (FRIB, USA) ; Malbrunot-Ettenauer, S (TRIUMF, Canada) ; Roitman, A (McGill University, Canada) ; Schmidt, A (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany) ; Schweikhard, L (University of Greifswald, Germany) et al.
CERN-INTC-2024-043 ; INTC-I-279.
レコードの詳細 - ほとんど同じレコード
2024-04-10 12:49 |
レコードの詳細 - ほとんど同じレコード
2024-04-09 21:15 |
レコードの詳細 - ほとんど同じレコード
2024-04-09 19:56 |
レコードの詳細 - ほとんど同じレコード
2024-04-09 18:19 |
レコードの詳細 - ほとんど同じレコード
2024-04-09 16:37 |
レコードの詳細 - ほとんど同じレコード
2024-04-09 15:43 |
Data acquisition and Python processing using CAEN Digitizer DT5730S for Perturbed Angular Correlation Spectroscopy: the PACIFIC$^2$ route.
/ Rocha-Rodrigues, Pedro (Institute of Physics for Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology, and Photonics (IFIMUP), Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Porto, 4169- 007 Porto, Portugal) ; Lopes, Armandina (Institute of Physics for Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology, and Photonics (IFIMUP), Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Porto, 4169- 007 Porto, Portugal) ; Schell, Juliana (EP Department, ISOLDE-CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland and Institute for Materials Science and Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE), University of Duisburg-Essen, 45141 Essen, Germany)
CERN-INTC-2024-035 ; INTC-I-276.
レコードの詳細 - ほとんど同じレコード
2024-04-09 15:16 |
Local study of Lithium Niobate domain walls
/ Heiniger-Schell, Juliana (Institute for Materials Science and Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE), University of Duisburg-Essen, 45141 Essen, Germany) ; Guerlich, Hannes (Institute of Applied Physics, Technische Universitaet Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany) ; Dang, Thien (Institute for Materials Science and Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE), University of Duisburg-Essen, 45141 Essen, Germany) ; Yap, Ian (Institute for Materials Science and Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE), University of Duisburg-Essen, 45141 Essen, Germany) ; Doerschel, Bjoern (Institute for Materials Science and Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE), University of Duisburg-Essen, 45141 Essen, Germany) ; Seddon, Samuel (Institute of Applied Physics, Technische Universitaet Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany) ; Koppitz, Boris (Institute of Applied Physics, Technische Universitaet Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany) ; Lopes, Armandina (Institute of Physics for Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology and Photonics (IFIMUP), 4169 - 007 Porto) ; Carbonari, Artur (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares IPEN-CNEN/SP, São Paulo 05508-000, Brazil) ; Lima, Nicole (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares IPEN-CNEN/SP, São Paulo 05508-000, Brazil) et al.
CERN-INTC-2024-034 ; INTC-P-703.
レコードの詳細 - ほとんど同じレコード
2024-04-09 15:14 |
レコードの詳細 - ほとんど同じレコード