2025-03-31 13:31 |
Recent Experience with the CMS Data Management System
/ Ozturk, Hasan (CERN) ; Paparrigopoulos, Panos (CERN) ; Manrique Ardila, Andres (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Chauhan, Rahul (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Ellis, Katy (Rutherford) ; Emmanouil, Christos (CERN) ; Kovalskyi, Dmytro (MIT) ; Vaandering, Eric Wayne (Fermilab) ; Voetberg, Margaret Grace (Fermilab) ; Wightman, Andrew Steven (Nebraska U.)
/CMS Collaboration
The CMS experiment manages a large-scale data infrastructure, currently handling over 200 PB of disk and 500 PB of tape storage and transferring more than 1 PB of data per day on average between various WLCG sites. Utilizing Rucio for high-level data management, FTS for data transfers, and a variety of storage and network technologies at the sites, CMS confronts inevitable challenges due to the system's growing scale and evolving nature. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2025 - 9 p.
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 27th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics, Kraków, Poland, 19 - 25 Oct 2024
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2025-03-29 17:12 |
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2025-03-29 04:58 |
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2025-03-29 04:45 |
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2025-03-28 14:57 |
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2025-03-28 06:14 |
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2025-03-28 04:32 |
A Linear Collider Vision for the Future of Particle Physics
/ Linear Collider Vision Collaboration
In this paper we review the physics opportunities at linear e+e− colliders with a special focus on high centre-of-mass energies and beam polarisation, take a fresh look at the various accelerator technologies available or under development and, for the first time, discuss how a facility first equipped with a technology mature today could be upgraded with technologies of tomorrow to reach much higher energies and/or luminosities. [...]
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2025-03-28 04:25 |
Design Initiative for a 10 TeV pCM Wakefield Collider
/ Gessner, Spencer (SLAC) ; Osterhoff, Jens (LBL, Berkeley) ; Barklow, Tim (SLAC) ; Knetsch, Alexander (SLAC) ; O'Shea, Brendan (SLAC) ; Schwartzman, Ariel (SLAC) ; Storey, Doug (SLAC) ; Vernieri, Caterina (SLAC) ; Benedetti, Carlo (LBL, Berkeley) ; Knapen, Simon (LBL, Berkeley) et al.
This document outlines a community-driven Design Study for a 10 TeV pCM Wakefield Accelerator Collider. [...]
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2025-03-27 22:16 |
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2025-03-27 21:39 |
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