CERN Accelerating science


Ultimi arrivi:
Absolute beam current measurement for slow extracted beams at CERN's North Area facility / Tan, Jocelyn (CERN) ; Schmidl, Frank (U. Jena (main)) ; Khatri, Ghanshyambhai (CERN) ; Crescimbeni, Lorenzo (U. Jena (main) ; Darmstadt, GSI) ; Schwickert, Marcus (Darmstadt, GSI) ; McLean, Mark (CERN) ; Sieber, Thomas (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Stoehlker, Thomas (Darmstadt, GSI ; Helmholtz Inst., Jena) ; Koettig, Torsten (CERN) ; Tympel, Volker (Helmholtz Inst., Jena ; Darmstadt, GSI)
The North Area facility (NA), built in the 1970s at CERN, hosts several secondary beam lines for a large variety of physics experiments: Neutrino Platform, Dark matter, high energy physics, R&D;, detector validation etc. 400 GeV/c primary proton beams, extracted from the SPS ring, are split along the transfer lines to fire on 4 targets and serve the users with secondary particles such as e-, e+, muons, pions, hadrons, kaons... [...]
2024 - 4 p. - Published in : JACoW IBIC 2024 (2024) THP11 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 13th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2024), Beijing, China, 9-13 Sep 2024, pp.THP11

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Non-destructive beam profile measurements with an Ionisation Profile Monitor (IPM) based on Timepix3&4 Hybrid Pixel Detectors (HPDs) / McLean, Mark (CERN) ; Pasquino, Chiara (CERN) ; Fleisig, Clara (CERN) ; Cabrera, Gabriela (CERN) ; Khatri, Gunn (CERN) ; Storey, James (CERN) ; Joul, Juri (CERN) ; Ramos, Maria Teresa (CERN) ; Andrezza, William (CERN)
Beam Gas Ionization monitors have been in operational use in the CERN PS for two years now, and they were installed in the SPS this year. An overview of the operating principal of the instruments is presented, followed by an update on their development. [...]
2024 - 4 p. - Published in : JACoW IBIC 2024 (2024) WEP15 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 13th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2024), Beijing, China, 9-13 Sep 2024, pp.WEP15

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An overview of progress with the study of a structured laser beam for alignment / Niewiem, Witold Grzegorz (ETH Zurich (CH)) ; Mergelkuhl, Dirk (CERN) ; Gayde, Jean-Christophe (CERN)
The Structured Laser Beam (SLB) is a pseudo-non- diffractive optical beam characterized by the low divergence of the Inner Core (IC), down to 10 μrad, and the presence of concentric rings, with the most prominent being the Outer Ring (OR). [...]
- 2024 - 6.

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Appendix - PPbar beam parameter list. Beam parameters for the basic scheme
CERN-SPS-AC-79-18-Appendix - 1979 - 8.

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Addendum to the specification of the quadrupole magnets for the SPS beam transfer lines
CERN-LabII-BT-AH-NS-EEK-D-12-Add - 1973 - 4.

Record dettagliato - Record simili
Addendum to the specification of the current stabilized DC test power supply for the SPS beam transfer magnets
CERN-LabII-BT-AW-EEK-D-7-Add - 1973 - 2.

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Advancements in CERN's Radiation Monitoring and Data Analysis Solutions for Radiation to Electronics applications / Bilko, Kacper
This thesis focuses on the aspects related to the protection of electronics in the CERN radiation environment, also known as Radiation Hardness Assurance [...]
CERN-THESIS-2024-325 - 145.


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Proton beam delivery study for the NA60+ experiment in the H8 beamline at the CERN SPS North Area / Dyks, Luke Aidan (University of Oxford (GB)) ; Parozzi, Elisabetta Giulia (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT)) ; Van Dijk, Maarten (CERN)
CERN-PBC-Notes-2025-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2025

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Pulse Generator for Impact Ionization Triggering in Thyristors / Senaj, V (CERN) ; Del Barrio Montañés, A A (CERN ; KIT, Karlsruhe) ; Kramer, T (CERN) ; Sack, M (KIT, Karlsruhe)
Fast HV generators are widely used in many industrial and scientific applications including particle accelerators. [...]
2024 - 2.
Full text

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Modifications of the digital notch filter of the damper
CERN-SPS-ABM-Modifications-Note-85-10 - 1985 - 3.

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Concentra su:
High Intensity ECN3 and the SPS Beam Dump Facility (7)
North Area Consolidation Project (0)