CERN Accelerating science

Video Lectures

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Cosmology 3/3 / Baumann, Daniel (speaker)
2024 - 3527. Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024; Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024 External links: Talk details; Event details In : Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024

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Astroparticle Physics 2/2 / Kavanagh, Bradley (speaker)
2024 - 3434. Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024; Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024 External links: Talk details; Event details In : Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024

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Cosmology 1/3 / Baumann, Daniel (speaker)
2024 - 3406. Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024; Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024 External links: Talk details; Event details In : Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024

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The Standard Model 4/4 / Weiler, Andreas (speaker) (TU Munich)
2024 - 3401. Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024; Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024 External links: Talk details; Event details In : Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024

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High Performance Computing / Southwick, David (speaker) (CERN)
Abstract High Performance Computing (HPC) centers represent some of the most advanced and concentrated computing resources in existence. These centers play a critical role in advancing research and innovation by providing specialized software and hardware not commonly found elsewhere [...]
2024 - 3335. CERN openlab summer student lecture programme External link: Event details In : High Performance Computing

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The Standard Model 3/4 / Weiler, Andreas (speaker) (TU Munich)
2024 - 3429. Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024; Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024 External links: Talk details; Event details In : Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024

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Future High Energy Collider Projects 1/2 / Bruce, Roderik (speaker) (CERN)
2024 - 3554. Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024; Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024 External links: Talk details; Event details In : Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024

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Astroparticle Physics 1/2 / Kavanagh, Bradley (speaker)
2024 - 3325. Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024; Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024 External links: Talk details; Event details In : Summer Student Lecture Programme 2024

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Searching beyond the Standard Model with Lattice QCD / Nicholson, Amy (speaker)
Low-energy searches for rare processes and fundamental symmetry violations provide a promising avenue for discovering hints of new physics. Fully leveraging experiments which utilize nuclei as laboratories requires input from non-perturbative QCD calculations, namely, lattice QCD [...]
2024 - 3714. Theory Colloquia External link: Event details In : Searching beyond the Standard Model with Lattice QCD

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SG5 Computing at CERN / Bechtold, Philipp (speaker) ; Khalifa, Kotiba (speaker) ; Dawson, Gayle (speaker) ; Červeňová, Daša (speaker) ; Cepeda Lestrade, Arantxa (speaker)
2024 - 1018. Teacher Programmes; International High School Teacher Programme External links: Talk details; Event details In : International High School Teacher Programme

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