CERN Accélérateur de science

Batch Uploader Guide

About Batch Uploader
Logging in
0. Metadata Batch Upload
1. Document Batch Upload
2. Upload History
3. Daemon Monitor

About Batch Uploader

The Batch Uploader is a tool to be used by cataloguers for uploading metadata files or/and documents into records in the repository.
The 4 options offered in the tool are as follows:

Logging in

To use this tool, you should login and then go to CDS>Administration>Run Batch Uploader.

0. Metadata Batch Upload

If you wish to modify records by means of using a MARC file, select this option. All required changes are in a file, this file being a MARC XML format file or a text MARC format file. The following options must be defined

After the button ‘Upload’ has been activated the actions are queued to run either immediately, or, if ‘Upload later’ has been defined, scheduled to run at a later date.

1. Document batch upload

You can select this menu option to upload a PDF document to a record. For ‘Input directory’, specify the folder where the document can be found, this folder should be public. The folder must contain the PDF files that you want to attach to records in the repository.

After the button ‘Upload’ has been pressed the actions are queued to run either immediately, or, if ‘Upload later’ has been defined, scheduled to run at a later date.

2. Upload History

‘Upload history’ shows the metadata and document uploads that were executed from the web interface mode. It lists uploads that have been requested and are waiting to be processed, as well as those that have been completed. There are 2 lists, ‘Metadata uploads’ and ‘Document uploads’; the ‘Status’ can be ‘waiting’, ‘done’, ‘error’.

3. Daemon Monitor

Every time the Batch Uploader is executed via the web interface it is executed only once. In certain cases, however, you might want to regularly upload files that you put in a particular directory, and for that you would set up the Batch Uploader Daemon to check the folders and upload the contents at pre-determined intervals (see documentation Batch Uploader Daemon).