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On track with CMS

CMS has successfully detected cosmic rays for the first time in a complete sector of muon chambers. These events mark a major milestone in commissioning the CMS Barrel detector. >>

The CERN Control Centre is up and running!

The CERN Control Centre (CCC) that combines all the control rooms for the accelerators, the cryogenic system and the technical infrastructure came into operation on 1st February. >>

CERN and Pakistan consolidate their partnership

During the President of Pakistan's visit to CERN, the Laboratory and Pakistan decided to strengthen their collaboration. >>

European visit

The European Commissioner for Science and Research, Janez Potočnik, visited CERN on Tuesday 31 January. >>

ALICE Holds Up to Challenge

ALICE's main austenitic stainless steel support structure (the Space Frame) has recently gone through many tests that proved quite challenging: insuring the structure is sound and lowering it horizontally into the ALICE cavern. >>

New arrivals

On Thursday 19 January 2006, members of the CERN Management welcomed recently recruited staff members and fellows at the quarterly session of the Induction Programme (photographed here with Enrico Chiaveri, Head of the HR Department). >>

Literature in focus: Explorer l'espace pour remonter le temps

Would Prof Bignami like to dance on Saturn's rings? Why not ask him? Astrophysicist, Director of the Centre d'étude spatiale des rayonnements de Toulouse, President of the Scientific Committee of the European Space Agency and member of the Accademia dei Lincei, Giovanni Bignami returns to CERN to present his new book published last month. >>

Official News

New staff contract policy  
Progressive Retirement Programme and Part-time work as a pre-retirement measure  
Proof of payment for all reimbursement claims  
Internal Accident Report on EDH  
Pension Fund: Clarification  
Pension Fund  

Training and Development

Academic Training: Deep Space Telescopes  
Language training: English & French courses  
Technical Training: Places available  
Apprentissages techniques - French version only  

General Information

Décès - French version only  
Call for candidates to be part of the CERN Equal Opportunities Advisory Panel  
Frontpage and Dreamweaver users must use encryption  
ACCU Meeting  
New arrangements in force in the field of transport  
For information: Geneva University  

Staff Association

Change of tone