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Issue No. 26-27/2008 - Monday 23 June 2008
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From the Editorial Content Development Section
Section Développement de contenus éditoriaux
CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses
French courses for Beginners
Collaborative tools and videoconferencing at CERN
Are you wondering about the intricacies of using videoconferencing and other collaborative tools at CERN? Our two new courses might just be the answer! In April 2008 the venerable VRVS service was shut down and replaced by EVO.
CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses
The following course sessions are scheduled in the framework of the 2008 CERN Technical Training Programme and places are still available.
News Articles
A PARTNERship for hadron therapy
Success in the pipeline for CMS
The French Research Minister visits CERN
Ready, steady… relay!
Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants
Star spotting at CERN
Official News
Staff meeting - Postponed
Standing Concertation Committee - Meetings held on 6, 20 & 22 May 2008
Pension Fund governing board
General Information
Information for Stores users
EURO2008 - practical information from the police
CERN, AFS and PLUS credentials converge into a single credential pair