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New arrivals    >>


This is the word that best describes 10 September for all CERN personnel and surely also the outside world watching CERN through the eyes of the media. The unforgettable "3-2-1 BEAM!" of the LHC project leader, Lyn Evans, will stay in our memories forever. >>

A word from James Gillies

On Wednesday 10 September, CERN started up the LHC and put basic science firmly on the public agenda. >>

SESAME: physics for peace in the Middle East

Allan, Jordan: a bridge of peace between nations is being constructed with the help of particle physics. Scheduled to be operational by 2011, SESAME, the Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East, brings together countries from all over the region. >>

UN Secretary General visits CERN

UN Secretary General praises CERN in recent visit. >>

The English Book Club (or, The Book Lives On)

The English Book Club was one of the first clubs to be founded at CERN. Since the late 1950s it has been a literary lifeline for English speakers in a predominantly French-speaking environment. >>

LHC rap: a global phenomenon

Do you think the LHC is super duper fly? Does it make you want to compose some slick rhymes and bust out some killer beats? It did for one CERN rapper, and the results have become a YouTube smash hit! >>

LHC INAUGURATION, LHC Fest highlights: exhibition time!

David Gross, one of the twenty-one Nobel Laureates who have participated in the project.Tuesday 21 October 2008 Accelerating Nobels Colliding Charm, Atomic Cuisine, The Good Anomaly, A Quark Somewhere... >>

Official News

Publication of administrative circular No. 26 (Rev. 8) – Recognition of merit  
Pension Fund  
Obligatory Radiation Protection Course   
Recall of Personal Dosimeters Not Presently in Use  
Special traffic arrangements for the LHC Inauguration Ceremony on 21 October  

Training and Development

CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses   
Cours d’anglais – French Course  
CERN Technical Training: available places in forthcoming courses  

General Information

CERN’s Computing rules updated to include policy for control systems  
Private mail  
Russian Language Classes  
2008 annual CERN Road Race  
Geneva University