

Homage to Jean Roche   >>

The LHC Computing Grid in the starting blocks

As the Large Hadron Collider ramps up operations and breaks world records, it is an exciting time for everyone at CERN. To get the computing perspective, the Bulletin this week caught up with Ian Bird, leader of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). He is confident that everything is ready for the first data. >>

Prepared for first physics

The 2009 start-of-run has allowed the LHC experiments to do some remarkable things. All the detectors are performing according to specifications; the turnaround time to analyse data is strikingly short; and real and simulated data agree impressively well. >>

ISOLDE steps up a gear

The High Intensity and Energy ISOLDE project (HIE-ISOLDE), an important upgrade of the ISOLDE facility, was approved at the Research Board’s December meeting. Thanks to a new superconducting linear accelerator and an improved target installation, HIE-ISOLDE will be able to provide higher energy and higher intensity beams to the experiments. New opportunities will open up for nuclear physics with radioactive ion beams at CERN.   >>

A coffee-time challenge

Can you tell a Z from a WW? The Bulletin is offering a prize for deciphering LEP events on show in Restaurant No. 1.   >>

Official News

Adjustments to financial and social benefits  
Validity of your safety awareness training  
Official holidays in 2010 and end-of-year closure 2010/2011  
New Safety rule for Chemical Agents  

Training and Development

Noise Training - ’Bruit – Connaître les risques liés au bruit‘  
CERN Technical Training: available places in forthcoming courses  
Technical training: AXEL-2010 - Introduction to particle accelerators  
CERN Academic Training Programme 2009/2010  

General Information

E-mail to SMS service change  
Appeal for witnesses  
Information from the installation service  
CERN Shuttles - NEW Regular Shuttle Services as from 11/01/2010  
Communication from the CERN Printshop  

Staff Association

2010: a decisive year  
MOBILIZATION - 17.12.2009