CERN Accelerating science




Assizes : building a team in which everyone finds his place

After each election of the staff representatives, the Staff Association organizes its assizes, attended by outgoing and incoming delegates. >>

Fund Raising for Haiti

Dear Colleagues, Following the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti on 12 January 2010, the CERN Management and the Staff Association are organizing a collection to help the victims. >>


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Dancing Club

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Concert Club

CERN MEYRIN (terminus bus 56-CERN) Entrée B - Bâtiment 500 - Amphithéâtre Mardi 26 janvier à 20 h 30 Le quintette Liliane JAQUES, flûte traversière Jade... >>


DVD James Bond – Series Complete To all Record Club Members, to start the new year, we have taken advantage of a special offer to add copies of all the James Bond movies to date, from the very first - Dr. >>


Coffee Morning Tuesday 9th February 2010 09:00–11:00 Building 504 (Restaurant No. 2 – DSR) 1st Floor, Club Room 3   New arrivals and all members are cordially invited. >>


NOUVELLES INSCRIPTIONS Liste des cours pour le semestre allant du 1er février au 30 juin 2010. >>

Special Offers

TPG Please take note that all people working at CERN and retired CERN staff members can purchase an annual Geneva TPG bus pass. >>

Cultural activities

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Une reprise pour une nouvelle année Interfon continuera cette année encore à vous faire profiter des avantages régulièrement discutés avec nos partenaires, des informations nouvelles qui nous parviennent, des améliorations que vous souhaiteriez voir se concrétiser. >>

News Articles

There is a buzz about working here  
Looking ahead  
The LHC enters a new phase  
Down to the nearest centimetre…  
You’ve come a long way!  
The Christmas list  
The Colliderscope: a real-time show  
Students in search of research scientists  
The coffee-time challenge  
Literature in Focus - A Zeptospace Odyssey: A Journey into the Physics of the LHC  
Juan Antonio Rubio Rodriguez (1944 – 2010)  
Homage to Professor Hans-Åke Gustafsson  

Official News

Staff Rules and Regulations – Modification No. 4 to the 11th edition  
Staff Rules and Regulations – Modification No. 3 to the 11th edition  
CHIS - Annual adjustment of benefits and fixed contributions  
To all members of personnel in receipt of remuneration from CERN  
Adjustments to financial and social benefits  
Validity of your safety awareness training  

Training and Development

Noise Training - ’Bruit – Connaître les risques liés au bruit‘  
New Office Software course format  
CERN Technical training: Available places in forthcoming courses  
Technical training: AXEL-2010 - Introduction to particle accelerators  

General Information

E-mail to SMS service change  
Appeal for witnesses