News from the Library

Even more books available electronically!


For several years now, the Library has been offering a large collection of electronic books in a wide range of disciplines. The books can be accessed by all CERN users with a Nice account and, like printed books, can be borrowed for a given period. In a few clicks of the mouse, you can leaf through and read books and even print parts of them from your computer. The Library catalogue now comprises a total of more than 10,000 different e-books. The long-awaited electronic versions of O'Reilly book titles are now available: 70 titles have recently been added to the Library's collection and many others will follow in the coming weeks.

This collection of books, mainly on IT subjects, is widely used in the development field. Their availability on line is thus a clear bonus.
But there's no need for fans of paper versions to worry: the Library will continue to expand its collection of printed books. The two collections exist side by side and even complement each other.

All the Library's electronic books are available at:

Books from O'Reilly:

Please contact for any questions and comments.

by CERN Library