


Dear colleagues, As one would expect, everything is accelerating in our Laboratory, whether it be particles or the train of concertation meetings. >>

The Commission on Employment Conditions, an ambitious undertaking !

Since the beginning of the year, the Commission on Employment Conditions has had much success in the number and ability of its participants. >>

Jardin d'enfant - Vide Grenier

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Thursday 11 November 2010 at 20:30 / Jeudi 11 Novembre 2010 à 20:30 CERN Main Auditorium / Amphithéâtre Principal LE CHOCOLAT By/de : Lasse Hallström (UK/USA, 2000) 121 min... >>


  Finale de la coupe d’automne La coupe d’automne organisée par le club d’orientation du CERN s’est terminée ce samedi 23 octobre après 7 épreuves. >>


“On Thursday November 4th the CERN Ski Club will hold an Information Night in Building 13-2-005 at 18:30. >>


Assemblée Générale de la Mutuelle Mardi 16 novembre à 18h30 Salle du Business Center Technoparc de St-Genis (entrée nord)   Au cours de cette soirée... >>


Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. La prochaine permanence se tiendra le :   Mardi 2 novembre de 13h30 à 16h00 Salle de réunion de l’Association du personnel La permanence suivante aura lieu le mardi 7 décembre. >>


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News Articles

The new building for Linac4 is ready ahead of schedule  
Reaffirming a long-standing partnership  
The Latest from the LHC : Last period of proton running for 2010.  
A New Look for the Globe Gardens  
CLIC/ILC Researchers Explore New Avenues for Collaboration  
Cosmic ray synergies  
Retina neural circuitry seen with particle detector technology  
GLIF – striving towards a high-performance on-demand network  
Apprenticeship: a worthwhile option  
CAS Introduction to Accelerator Physics in Bulgaria  
Supertramp (de)tour to CERN  
Dutch hi-tech companies exhibit at CERN  
A big win for the CERN Golf Club at the ASCERI tournament  
Going Underground in Singapore  
An 80th birthday celebration for the Ericsons  
Winner of video contest inspired by the LHC  
Ombuds' Corner: Time and Stress Management  
News from the library: Lost in citations? Try EndNote Web  
Staff members with 25 years' service at CERN in 2010  

Official News

Education fees: Indexation of the amounts for accommodation, meals and school transport for the 2010-2011 academic year  

General Information

Quantum revolution  
Blood Donation Campaign  
Holland at CERN – Industrial exhibition