“See you soon” – a retrospective on the first LHC proton run
With the LHC already a week into the ion run, the CERN Bulletin takes the opportunity to look at the progress made by the experiments during the LHC’s first proton run. In a series of interviews, the spokespersons from the five experiments take stock of the unprecedented success of the proton run.
Read on to share in their enthusiasm and discover what achievements their experiments are most proud of, as they discuss the uncharted areas they have already started to explore.
The spokespersons - Fabiola Gianotti from ATLAS, Guido Tonelli from CMS, Jurgen Schukraft from ALICE, Andrei Golutvin from LHCb and Karsten Eggert from TOTEM - discuss the new understanding gained of their detectors, the “rediscovery” of the Standard Model, as well as the progress made in the search for supersymmetry and the Higgs boson. The experiments also look ahead to the Christmas technical stop, consider the results from the current ion run, and the possibilities of the 2011 restart.
ATLAS is Exceeding all expectations, CMS goes Beyond all possible expectations, ALICE says The best is yet to come, LHCb is Not just a precision experiment but also a detector ready for discoveries, and TOTEM records Thousands of interesting events.