Music, videos and the risk for CERN

Do you like listening to music while working? What about watching videos during leisure time? Sure this is fun. Having your colleagues participating in this is even more fun. However, this fun is usually not free. There are music and film companies who earn their living from music and videos.

Thus, if you want to listen to music or watch films at CERN, make sure that you own the proper rights to do so (and you have the agreement of your supervisor to do this during working hours). Note that these rights are personal: You usually do not have the right to share this music or these videos with third parties without violating copyrights. Therefore, making copyrighted music and videos public, or sharing music and video files as well as other copyrighted material, is forbidden at CERN --- and also outside CERN. It violates the CERN Computing Rules ( and it contradicts CERN's Code of Coduct ( which expects each of us to behave ethically and be honest, and credit others for their contribution.

Violating copyrights is not a trivial offense. Sharing music or video files via the CERN network or from CERN computers will reflect back onto the Organization and shed a bad light on all of us. Therefore, help to keep CERN's reputation and integrity protected. Do NOT run file sharing software like Bittorrent, eDonkey, Emule, KaZaA at CERN, and respect copyrights. Users violating these rules may face serious consequences.

by IT Department