
New President and Executive Committee


In accordance with the Rules of the Staff Association, in December each year the Staff Council delegates elect a President who proposes a list of members of the Executive Committee. At its meeting on 7th December 2010, Staff Council elected by an overwhelming majority Michel Goossens and his Executive Committee for 2011, made up of eleven members and five permanently invited members.

Michel GOOSSENS IT Président
Marcel AYMON HR Vice-président
Sébastien ÉVRARD EN Vide-président
Céline GROBON PH Trésorier
Isabelle MARDIROSSIAN GS Secrétaire
Philippe DEFERT IT Membre
Nicolas DELRUELLE TE Membre
Serge GRILLOT EN Membre
Catherine LAVERRIÈRE DGS Membre
Michael LUDWIG BE Membre
Jacob PANMAN PH Membre
Flavio COSTA FP Invité permanent
Gianni DEROMA TE Invité permanent
Dorothée DURET TE Invité permanent
Joël LAHAYE EN Invité permanent
Pedro MARTEL GS Invité permanent

Staff Council unanimously elected this list, minus one abstention. After his election, Michel Goossens warmly thanked Gianni Deroma for his dedication and efforts towards the staff and Organization over the past six years: two as Vice-President to Michel Vitasse, then four as President. Michel underlined Gianni’s capacity for hard work, his charisma, his desire to promote team spirit, his sense of consensus, and his ability to listen to others to get to the bottom of things and thus propose appropriate solutions to each problem. In response, Gianni spoke of how proud he was to have represented the staff for all this time. He thanked the Staff Council for its work and support. He then wished his successor much success, adding that the Staff Association can count on his continued support.

To close this far from ordinary session, the staff delegates saluted this handing over of the presidency with a hearty round of applause.


by Staff Association