CERN Accelerating science




What pensions at CERN tomorrow?

By approving last December a first package of measures aiming to restore the balance of our Pension Fund, CERN Council has clearly taken its responsibilities seriously in the face of a now enormous deficit: 1. >>

2011 Public meetings


Ordinary General Assembly

In conformity with the Statutes of the Staff Association, an ordinary General Assembly is organized once a year (article IV.2.1). Agenda   >>


... >>


By/de : Darren Aronofsky (USA/France 2008) 109 min With/avec: Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood >>

Club d'orientation

Course d’orientation : Coupe Genevoise de printemps 2011 Nouvelle saison – nouveau programme >>


annonce sa traditionnelle vente de printemps de mouchoirs et artisanat le jeudi 24 mars 2011 devant l’entrée du restaurant 1, Bât. >>

Groupement des anciens du CERN et de l'ESO

Ordre du jour >>


Prochaine journée « Portes Ouvertes » mercredi 30 mars de 16 h 00 à 20 h 00 Salle Jean Monnet à St Genis Au cours de laquelle vous pourrez rencontrer nos partenaires devant un agréable buffet campagnard. >>

News Articles

The LHC goes in for an X-ray  
European projects: a new wave of success  
LHC Report: Towards stable beams and collisions  
The renovation of the Main Building is approaching completion  
CERN in 2030  
At your service!  
LINAC4 takes a tour of Europe  
The new heart of the PS is beating strongly  
The new AMS control centre  
Around the Globe with Buzz Aldrin  
CERN takes off at Lift11  
Fabiola Gianotti is one of The Guardian's "most inspirational women"  
CERN cars drive by the Geneva Motor Show  
Ombuds’ corner: Work conflict or harassment?  
Simon van der Meer (1925-2011)  
Joaquin Inigo-Golfin (1965-2011)  
Emilio Pagiola (1937–2011)  

Official News

Forthcoming indefinite contract review procedure  

Training and Development

Cern academic training programme 2011: Selected Topics in the Physics of Heavy Ion Collisions  
CERN Technical training: Available places in forthcoming courses  
Safety Training: scheduled sessions in March  
CCM - Understanding and working with Competencies  


Exhibition: Life and Achievements of Maria Sklodowska-Curie  
Users’ Office – Removal  
TV News Magazine presentations: Sternstunde Philosophie by Schweizer Fernsehen (2010)  
LAPP, Annecy-le-Vieux : Journée Gilles Sauvage  
Blood donation  
To all members of the personnel