CERN Accelerating science





Dear Colleagues, >>

Ordinary General Assembly

In conformity with the Statutes of the Staff Association, an ordinary General Assembly is organized once a year (article IV.2.1). Agenda   >>


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Orienteering club

Coupe de printemps – 2e étape à Attalens Les cinq parcours répartis dans les bois d’Attalens ont attiré plus d’une centaine de concurrents samedi 26 mars. >>

Cine club


Yachting club

"Winter" sailing, anyone? A word this week about our two Surprises which you Newcomers out there might like to know is regarded as the hardest YCC test to pass (apocryphal stories of tests with... >>

Canoe-kayak club

Le Canoë Kayak CERN se mobilise pour les Initiatives Océanes 2011 >>


Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. La prochaine permanence se tiendra le >>

Special offer

Adults: 31 CHF instead of 42 CHF Children: 25 CHF instead of 34 CHF Aquaparc Les Caraïbes sur Léman 1807 Le Bouveret (VS) Tickets are valid for both the inside and outside areas. >>



News Articles

Rendez-vous with "InGRID"  
Knowledge dissemination: a core mission  
LHC Report: A spring clean for the beam pipe  
ALICE’s wonderland reveals the heaviest antimatter ever observed  
New EU project supports LHC theorists  
CERN students display their work  
Centenary of the discovery of superconductivity  
ISOTDAQ - where students learn about trigger and data acquisition  
Full metal jacket!  
A gift for the Happy Children's Home orphanage  
Ombuds’ corner: Disputes may be beneficial  
News from the Library: Browse Library books directly from your desktop  
Lionel METRAL (1966-2011)  

Official News

Tax declaration: for the attention of members of the personnel and pensioners living in France  
New set of Chemical Safety rules  
Introduction of a medical questionnaire concerning long-term sick leave  
Procedure for the classification of professional accidents of members of the personnel – REMINDER  

Training and Development

CERN Technical training: Available places in forthcoming courses  
Cours sécurité  
Academic training: Fusion ITER at CERN in 2011  
Safety Training: scheduled sessions in April  


Dutch School in Geneva  
Take care of your mouse!  
TV Programme Presentations: Kreuz und Quer  
Introduction to instruments for children  
CERN School of Computing 2011 - Registration is open  
Physics Colloquium: The optical route to quantum information processing