CERN Accelerating science




French courses for BEGINNERS

We are now offering a French course for beginners. If you are interested in following this course, please enrol through the following link: >>

Summer Oral Expression English Course

An English Oral Expression course will take place between 15 August and 30 September 2011. Schedule: to be determined (2 sessions of 2 hours per week). >>

News Articles

NA62 Gigatracker sets new standards for silicon detectors  
Neutrinos herald possible new physics in Japan  
LHC Report: the machine - on the level  
Three new projects for the CERN Dosimetry Service  
Cows aboveground, protons down below  
Scientists “in the making” attend conference  
J-PARC Press Release: Electron neutrino oscillation detected at T2K  
General Charles F. Bolden, Jr. and Professor Claude Nicollier reunite during visit to CERN  
What is a good Toothbrush, erm, Password?  
News from the Library: Ready? Action!  
Ombuds' corner: Code of Conduct and e-mails  
HSE Advice  
Tribute to Daniel Simon  

Official News

Elections to the Senior Staff Advisory Committee (“The Nine”) 2011  


New arrivals  


CFC Outdoor Tournament 2011  
CERN’s Rugby Club to play the Swiss Cup semi-finals: come and support the CERN team!  
CFC Football Tournament Championship  

Staff Association

Demonstration on Wednesday 22 June: well done!  
Rugby Club  
Yoga Club  
Cine Club  
Cricket Club  
Record Club  
Yachting club  
Orienteering club  
Special offer  