

AMS: From the ISS to CERN

The week of 16 May 2011 saw the successful launch and installation of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer aboard the International Space Station. >>

Passing the baton

It was not only in South Korea that batons were being passed last week. While the cream of the world’s athletes were competing in the World Athletics Championships, the cream of the world’s accelerator scientists were on their way to San Sebastian in Spain for the International Particle Accelerator Conference.  One of them was carrying a rather special baton for a handover of a different kind. >>

LHC Report: Preparing for a tighter squeeze

The LHC is resuming operation after a planned period of machine development followed by a technical stop. >>

John Ellis discusses the Higgs, the lack of the Higgs, and extra dimensions

On 13 September, CERN will be hosting a colloquium to mark John Ellis' 65th birthday. The colloquium comes as John ends his long career as a distinguished CERN staff member and makes a transition to Clerk Maxwell Professor of Theoretical Physics at King’s College London. The Bulletin took the opportunity to ask John to share his expectations from the LHC during this long-awaited data-taking phase... >>

CERN inspires 2011 edition of the ARS Electronica Digital Arts Festival

This year’s annual ARS Electronica Digital Arts Festival featured CERN as the springboard for its theme, ORIGIN – How it All Begins. The prestigious digital arts festival also served as the perfect venue to launch the Collide@CERN project. >>

Science comic-strips on display at Microcosm

To mark the publication of his new comic-strip "Les Vies de Marie Curie", the Genevan artist Fiami will be placing some of his previous creations on the theme "women and science" on display at CERN. >>

CERN firefighters win medals in New York

This year CERN's firefighters have taken part for the first time in the World Police and Fire Games,held in New York at the end of August. >>

A very special visit from India

From India to Europe with a single destination in mind: CERN. This was the dream of five young students who convinced their parents to fund their travel costs and their school to organise the trip. Now, of course, they all plan to come back here as physicists. We have no doubt that they'll succeed! >>

Pauline Gagnon's blog post: I’m a Higgs gatherer, not a Higgs hunter!

Ever since four theorists published their “Higgs hunter’s guide” in 1990, people have been referring to the Higgs hunt, as if we were a bunch of bloodthirsty physicists out for a kill. >>

... An example of flawed code

Do you recall our small exercise in the last issue of the Bulletin? >>

Ombuds’ corner: Confidentiality concerning boards

In this series, the Bulletin aims to explain the role of the Ombuds at CERN by presenting practical examples of misunderstandings that could have been resolved by the Ombuds if he had been contacted earlier. Please note that, in all the situations we present, the names are fictitious and used only to improve clarity. >>

News from the Library: CERN Scientific Book Fair 2011

Wed. 14 September at 3.30pm: >>

Official News

End-of-year closure 2011/2012  
Assignment of personnel to work in Switzerland by companies from the European Union / EFTA(1)  
Forthcoming indefinite contract review procedure  
Annual Pension Fund Update  

Training and Development

Safety Training: scheduled sessions in September and October 2011  
English course  


Geneva University: Dark matter Search with the CDMS experiment   
Preparation for Retirement Seminar  
Geneva University: Experiments in Physics: Hands-on Creative Processes  
New arrivals  


First Joint Workshop on Energy Management for Large-Scale Research Infrastructures  

Staff Association

Public meetings: important changes to prepare the future  
Dancing Club  
Cricket Club  
Orienteering Club  
Yachting Club  
Artemusa : Voice workshop  
Artemusa : Saxophone Lessons  
Special Offers  