A Saturday of science: inspiring young girls' careers
On 12 November, more than 240 girls aged 9-14 descended upon the Geneva University science building for the second Geneva edition of Expand Your Horizons. This initiative, started in the United States in 1974, aims to inspire young girls to consider scientific careers by giving them a chance to do fun, hands-on experiments in all sorts of technical and scientific fields.
The philosophy of Expand Your Horizons is to set an example: all workshops and career booths are staffed by women scientists, so that the girls can really identify with the scientists and feel that they could be them.
For the 2011 Geneva event, the participants, recruited from nearby public and private schools both in France and Switzerland, could choose from 11 different workshops, including building a solar car, programming a robot, discovering the underlying chemistry in a kitchen or casting their own medal.
The workshop leaders came not only from organisations and companies like Novartis, Merck Serono, and EPFL, but also from universities in Lisbon and Liverpool. Twelve female physicists from CERN led three different workshops where the kids got to build their own cloud chamber to see cosmic rays, play with interactive set-ups about the unanswered questions we are trying to tackle at CERN, and have cool fun with liquid nitrogen. There were also a booth where the girls had the whole Particle Zoo to play with, posters showing women from CERN experiments, and a pop-up book of the ATLAS detector.
It was hard to tell who had more fun, the scientists or the kids. In one workshop, the kids dipped balloons and gummy bears into liquid nitrogen and made a water jet similar to Geneva’s famous landmark, using expanding liquid nitrogen to push water out of a sealed container.
The girls still had wonder in their eyes as they left, taking with them not only lasting memories of their experience but also goodies like memory sticks (thanks to the Marie Curie - AC E project), playing cards, and magic blocks explaining particle physics (courtesy of the CERN education programme).
Women and CERN Initiatives like Expand Your Horizons have been paying off, and the number of women in scientific fields is increasing. At CERN, where about 10,000 scientists are employed by hundreds of institutes from roughly 70 countries, women scientists now account for about 18% of all physicists and engineers. This percentage is much higher among young scientists and gives the pulse for how women are doing in physics in these countries. |