Car Club

The Car Club wishes all its members Good road and Happy New Year 2012.

It is time to think about renewing your subscription for this year, at a cost of 50 CHF, unchanged since several years.

For those of you who are regular users of our equipment and who know all the advantages that the club is in a position to offer, it seems pointless to going to more details, as we are sure that many of you have made use of them and are satisfied. Therefore don’t forget to fill in the payment slip to continue to be a part of our large family.

We remind you that everyone who works on the CERN site can be members of our club, this includes industrial support personnel and the personnel of companies which have a contract with CERN.

If you are not yet a member, come and visit us! We will be happy to welcome you and show you the installations, alternatively you can visit our web site:

The use of the club’s installations is strictly reserved for members.

Pour tous renseignements veuillez contacter le responsable du site:

les Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi de 17 h à 19 h
Le Samedi de 9 h à 12 h

Les horaires d’accès aux installations restent inchangés.

de 7 h à 22 h  les jours ouvrables
de 8 h  à  20 h  le dimanche
Pour tous renseignements, contactez: bat. 592       Tel : 74007  (heures d’ouverture).

by Automobile Club