

E-groups training

There will be an e-groups training course on 16 March 2012 which will cover the main e-groups functionalities i. >>

Safety Training: places available in March

There are places available in the forthcoming Safety courses. For updates and registrations, please refer to the Safety Training Catalogue. >>

News Articles

Hit the gas: go green!  
Active sharing  
LHC Report: Preparing for 4 TeV  
Laser technology inspires new accelerator concepts  
Record breakers  
ALICE installs new hardware in preparation for the 2012 run  
ISOTDAQ School: one of a kind  
Luminosity declines in the Globe as it increases at the LHC  
Highlights from e-EPS: Fusion experiment nears completion, nominations open for prize, and technology transfer group launched  
Who’s got TALENT?  
Found a USB stick? Go and infect your PC!  
Ombuds’ corner: Do not put things under the rug!  
News from the Library: Advancing light - SPIE Digital Library accessible to CERN till 31 March 2012  
André Petermann (1922-2011)  

Official News

Official holidays in 2012 and end-of-year closure 2012/2013  


Geneva University - Les catégories pour la physique  
Geneva University - Silicon photomultiplier : features and applications  
CERN School of Computing 2012 - Registration is open!  
Geneva University - The AX-PET experiment : A demonstrator for an axial Positron Emission Tomography  
Blood donation  
Health, hygiene and safety in the workplace and the MARS interview  
Summer work for children of members of the personnel  


Public lecture on health and physics at ICTR-PHE 2012  

Staff Association

The different roles of the Staff association  
Théâtre Carouge  
Théâtre Le St Gervais  
Kindergarden - Enrollments 2012-2013  
Exposition - Kindergarden  
Dancing Club  
Music lessons  
Cine club  
Orchestre des Nations Unies  