


For its fiftieth anniversary the Kindergarten and School run by the Staff Association   is in better shape than ever. The CERN site has resounded for 50 years with the joyful shouts of the children there. >>



Conference - Jean Ziegler

... >>

Women's Club

Coffee Morning >>

Music lessons


Cine Club

  Thursday 8 March 2012 at 20:30 CERN Council Chamber (503-1-001)   Encounters at the End of the World Directed by Werner Herzog (USA, 2005)  97 min   Original version English Projection from DVD Entrance : 2 CHF http://cineclub. >>

Yachting Club

  Season - and weather - both warm up Our regatta mast leads a hard life: just about a year ago we reported it had been dis-masted, also probably through ice, and here, thank you Kirill, is a photo of the refitted mast in the recent cold conditions - which it survived this time. >>


Du 5 au 9 mars de 11h30 à 14h30 Chantal Fournier et Laurence Greggio Vous attendent au rez-de-chaussée du bâtiment principal >>

Orchestre des Nations Unies

... >>

Théâtre Carouge

Du ve. 24 février au di. 18 mars 2012 Salle François-Simon – Création   FIGARO !   D’après BEAUMARCHAIS Mise en scène de JEAN LIERMIER   Jean Liermier dit souvent qu’il ne fait pas de différence entre le théâtre et la vie. >>

Théâtre Le St Gervais

Du 6 au 10 mars >>


Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. >>



Новостные статьи

Rencontres de Moriond QCD 2012: Clearing up for the Higgs  
Rencontres de Moriond QCD 2012: Probing the nature of heavy-ion collisions  
Rencontres de Moriond QCD 2012: Direct and indirect searches make the whole picture  
Rencontres de Moriond QCD 2012: Searches for Dark Matter, SUSY and other exotic particles  
Rencontres de Moriond QCD 2012: Uncertain signals from the Higgs boson  
Rencontres de Moriond EW 2012: Addressing symmetry breaking and mass hierarchy  
Rencontres de Moriond EW 2012: Impact of a Higgs boson on supersymmetry  
Rencontres de Moriond EW 2012: Seeing less would be just as good  
Rencontres de Moriond EW 2012: Theorists disprove one claim against DAMA/LIBRA  
Rencontres de Moriond EW 2012: New physics further constrained by LHCb results  
The winning alliance  
Opportunity and obligation  
LHC Report: Heading towards the 4 TeV  
Open heart surgery at the LHC  
CERN building numbers: no rhyme and little reason  
SESAME: opening doors through science  
Visit by the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic  
Local school children curious about CMS  
Perfect symmetry between arts and science  
Bike 2 Work  
Prevention is better than cure: a winning combination  
Interview with Murray Gell-Mann, 1969 Nobel prize in physics  
How to get properly rid of confidential data?  
Ombuds’ corner: Workplace incivility  
News from the Library: Nucleonica - web-driven nuclear science  
Paul Bouchardy (1937 – 2012)  

Обучение и разработка

E-groups training  


Geneva University: Exploring Flatland with cold atoms  
Diversity in Action: Interactive Workshop  
CERN Phonebook evolution  
France at CERN – Industrial exhibition  
CERN School of Computing 2012 - Registration is open!  
Changes in the CERN Firewall Openings  


Hommage à Georges Charpak