News from the Library: About a dozen prestigious CERN physicists contribute to a special issue of EPJ H
European Physical Journal H is a journal published by Springer that focuses on the historical development of ideas in contemporary physics. Since 2009 it has partially replaced the journal "Annales de Physique" published by EDP sciences.
The journal recently published a special issue about CERN accelerators entitled "CERN's accelerators, experiments and international integration 1959-2009", with the former CERN Director-General, Herwig Schopper, as guest editor. The origin of this issue is a symposium that took place at CERN on 3-4 December 2009: "50 years of Nobel Memories in High-Energy Physics", for the 50th anniversary of the CERN Proton Synchrotron. Some of the contributions to this symposium became articles that are a real treasure for physicists and historians. Many of these are actually personal recollections from the main actors of the CERN accelerators. In addition, regular papers have been invited to make this issue more complete.
Thanks to the CERN Library, you can read this issue and all the other articles of this journal online.
The full table of content is available here.
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by CERN Library