

Safety Training: places available in July / August 2012

There are places available in the forthcoming Safety courses. For updates and to register, please refer to the Safety Training Catalogue. >>

Summer French courses for BEGINNERS (9 July to 23 August)

We are now offering a French course for beginners. If you are interested in following this course, please enrol through this link or contact Kerstin Fuhrmeister - Tel.: 70896. >>

Summer Oral Expression English course

An English Oral Expression course will take place this summer from 20 August to 29 September. >>

News Articles

Our dear boson – and so what?  
Something far, far bigger than ourselves  
LHC Report: a Roman potpourri  
A proposal: LEIR to serve biomedicine  
Retirement postponed!  
Socially responsible investments  
Of Mind and (sub-atomic) Matter  
The Higgs boson: treated like a rock star  
The Higgs seminar, by those who were there  
New ALPHA-2 magnet  
Les Horribles Cernettes - "Goodbye CERN" concert  
No app for that? Make it yourself!  
Sometimes age is just a detail  
CERN welcomes Intel Science Fair winners  
Make-A-Wish recipient visits CERN  
“Bike to work”, a successful motto  
LHC 2012 proton run extended by seven weeks  
Music, videos and the risk for CERN  
Ombuds’ corner: Relationship to authority  
News from the Library: Stay connected and informed, try Mendeley!  
Spring report of the Pension Fund  
Hannes Schwarzbauer (1950 - 2012)  
Claude Dangoisse (1956 - 2012)  

Official News

Visas for Switzerland and France - Time needed to process applications  
Annual Information Meeting of the Pension Fund (General Meeting)  


CERN's live webcasts  
Locks & keys service moves to building 55  
Blood donation  


Collide@CERN: exclusive open rehearsal of Gilles Jobin's last piece  
Return from space: from the International Space Station to CERN  

Staff Association

An unsatisfactory contract policy  