REMINDER: Compliance with Operational Circular No. 2 (Rev. 1) on “Conditions of access to the fenced CERN site”
The purpose of Operational Circular No. 2 (Rev. 1) is to contribute to the protection of people and property by defining the conditions of access to the Organization's fenced sites.
The behaviours that cannot be tolerated under any circumstances are:
- use of CERN access cards by people, other than the cardholders themselves, in order to gain access to facilities without having attended the required safety course;
- speeding, particularly on Route Gregory and Route Weisskopf;
- driving in and out of the site on the wrong side of the road;
- parking on spaces set aside for the disabled;
- nuisance parking, especially in the proximity of the restaurants;
- dumping of wrecked vehicles.
As the aforementioned instances of non-compliance can lead to dangerous situations, the Organization reserves the right to apply the penalties provided for under paragraph 26 of Operational Circular No. 2 (Rev. 1), namely to refuse access to the site to people and/or their vehicles deemed to be in infringement of the circular.
HR Department