

Le CERN, un laboratoire d’excellence sociale

The Englist text will be published in a future isse. >>

Information meetings

The slides of our information meetings, as well as a recording, are available in Indico at the URL: >>

Rugby Club

The Wildcats started out in September 2005 and we are currently the only female club in the Geneva. We train on Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings in Meyrin (at the pitch off the chemin de Arbères) from 7-9pm. >>

Orienteering Club

Samedi dernier, lors de l’épreuve de course d’orientation organisée par le club du O’Jura, le moteur de la discipline était l’esprit d’équipe, puisqu’il était question d’un relais inter-club avec le Challenge Carlo Milan. >>

Cine Club

Thursday 25 October 2012 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber >>


The weekend of 6/7 October 2012 the inaugural Swiss GC event was held at the CERN croquet club under the auspices of the Swiss Croquet Association (SCA). >>

Dancing Club

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Special offers

Aquaparc Discounted prices on admission of whole day. Children from 5 to 15 years: 26.– CHF instead of 35.– CHF; Adults from 16 years: 32.– CHF instead of 43.– CHF.Tickets on sale to the Staff Association Secretariat. >>


Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. >>




Rendez-vous sur notre site pour toutes les « News »  Interfon  « News » >>

News Articles

CLIC's three-step plan  
Towards a wider dialogue  
LHC Report: Ticking over  
On the horizon for ALICE  
Like hams in a smokehouse  
Lasers take physicists back to school  
Science by the young for the young  
Your privacy is paramount!  
Ombuds’ corner: Empowerment  
News from the Library: Publishing Open Access articles beyond High Energy Physics  
Report from the Pension Fund  

Official News

REMINDER: Extension/suppression of allowance for dependent children aged 20 to 25  
REMINDER: Compliance with Operational Circular No. 2 (Rev. 1) on “Conditions of access to the fenced CERN site”  

Training and Development

Communication course – places available  
Management and communication courses – places available  
Technical training - places available  
Learning and Development Policy available on HR web  
Safety Training - places available in October  


Blood donation - 7 November  
Transporting "exceptional cargo" on the CERN sites  
Mail Office  
Vaccination against seasonal influenza: a reminder  


Séminaire de physique corpusculaire - 31 October  
Séminaire de physique corpusculaire - 7 November  
"The End of Time" released - a film partly shot at CERN  
Wright colloquium 2012 | 12 to 16 November, UniDufour  
Latsis conference  
Conference: ActiWiz – Optimizing material selection at CERN's accelerators from the radiological point of view