

The Higgs and the inflation of the Universe

“Inflation” is the theorized very rapid and powerful expansion of the early Universe. This type of evolution could be explained by the presence of a spin-zero elementary particle born with the Big Bang. The Higgs boson is such a particle but this is not sufficient for it to be identified as the “inflaton”, the hypothetical particle thought to be responsible for this inflation. >>

LHC physics? I like it!

When asked why I called the new particle “Higgs like”, rather than just “Higgs”, I used to joke that it’s because I like it. And indeed I do. But now we can confidently drop the ‘like’: this new particle is almost undoubtedly a Higgs. >>

LS1 Report: the electric atmosphere of the LHC

In the LHC, testing of the main magnet (dipole and quadrupole) circuits has been completed. At the same time, the extensive tests of all the other circuits up to current levels corresponding to 7 TeV beam operation have been performed, and now the final ElQA (Electrical Quality Assurance) tests of the electrical circuits are proceeding. >>

Heatwave warning for the LHC

Engineers have been able to start warming up the first sectors of the LHC where the tests on the superconductor circuits have been completed. Raising the temperature from 1.9 K to 300 K is a remarkable but delicate process. >>

Just a few metres… but the stakes are high

A beam of negative hydrogen ions has been injected into the first accelerator module of Linac4, the linear accelerator which will replace Linac2. >>

More statistics, less surprise

The LHCb collaboration has recently announced new results for a parameter that measures the CP violation effect in particles containing charm quarks. The new values obtained with a larger data set and with a new independent method are showing that the effect is smaller than previous measurements had  suggested. The parameter is back into the Standard Model picture. >>

The MedAustron project: an example of large-scale technology transfer

In January this year, CERN’s Director-General Rolf Heuer handed over the first ion source to the MedAustron therapy centre in the town of Wiener Neustadt in the presence of the Austrian authorities. This milestone marks the beginning of the transition from the development and design phase to the commissioning of the new facility. >>

A marvel of precision: MedAustron

MedAustron, which is currently being built in Austria, will be one of the most advanced centres for ion beam therapy and research in Europe. It is based on the same design as the Italian National Centre for Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO), which in turn is based on the CERN-led Proton Ion Medical Machine Study (PIMMS). MedAustron should welcome its first patient at the end of 2015. >>

Printshop open days

With new machines, new services and new opening hours, the CERN Printshop has turned over many new leaves at the start of 2013. Come and find out more from 25 to 27 March at the Printshop open days! >>

CERN stationery rejuvenated

With the introduction of CERN’s new graphic charter, our complete range of official communications stationery has been redesigned. Discover the newly harmonised and standardised range of CERN stationery. >>

Don’t put your family at risk

How easy is it to fall into the trap of cyber-criminals? Get one’s online banking password stolen? Lose photos to third parties? It's easier than you think. One single click to open a malicious attachment or a malicious web page is sufficient to put your family at risk. >>

Ombuds’ corner: “I want it to stop!”

Most people that seek help from the Ombuds just want that their dispute ended, so they can get back to work in normal, respectful conditions. They clearly express it when I ask them what they want: “I want it to stop!” How should it stop? And who should stop it? >>

Luisella Goldschmidt-Clermont (1925 – 2013)

Many people make a great impact through their work, but in most cases this effect fades over time. For Luisella Goldschmidt-Clermont, this is certainly not the case. >>

Civil engineering work to raise the level of Route Goward

Civil engineering work to raise the level of Route Goward will take place during Long Shutdown 1. The work will begin on 18 March 2013 and is expected to last around 5 months. >>

Official News

Taxation in Switzerland  
Annual adjustments to 2013 financial benefits   
Adjustment of the Internal Tax Scale  
Change of offices for HR Department - disrupted service during the last week of February 2013  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in March 2013  
Management and communication courses – Places available  


The 36th CERN School of Computing visits Cyprus: Apply now!  
CERN restaurant opening times during the Easter weekend  
Civil engineering work to raise the level of Route Goward  
Safe use of nanomaterials  
CERN openlab summer student programme  
Move! Eat better: news  


COLLOQUIUM CANCELLED - Physics Colloquium | 25 March  
Blood donation | March 19  

Staff Association

The Staff Association and you  
Logo competition  
Fitness club  
Car Club  
Orienteering Club  
Cern Women's Club  