CERN Accelerating science




The Staff Association and you

The article VII 1.01 of the Staff Rules and Regulations (SR&R;) provides that “the relations between the Director-General and the personnel shall be established either on an individual basis or on a collective basis with the Staff Association as intermediary”. >>

Logo competition

The price ceremony for the Staff Association’s new logo competition which took place on Friday 1st March at 5 p. >>


New workshop for 12-15 year olds, on how to develop applications for Android phones. Easter activities calendar >>

Fitness club

Nordic Walking Classes New session of 4 classes of 1 hour each will be held on Tuesdays in May 2013. >>

Car Club

Le Comité de l’Automobile Club vous présente ses meilleurs vœux pour la nouvelle année et nous profitons de cette occasion pour vous convier  à participer nombreux... >>

Orienteering Club

Courses d’orientation ce printemps Le Club d’orientation du CERN vous invite à venir découvrir la course d’orientation et vous propose, en partenariat avec d’autres clubs de la région, une dizaine de courses populaires. >>

Cern Women's Club

Coffee MorningTuesday 9th April 2013, 9:00 – 14:00 Bldg 504 (Restaurant No 2 – DSR) Ground Floor Spring Jumble Sale Those interested in helping should come along. >>


Dear GAC-EPA members, >>



News Articles

The Higgs and the inflation of the Universe  
LHC physics? I like it!  
LS1 Report: the electric atmosphere of the LHC  
Heatwave warning for the LHC  
Just a few metres… but the stakes are high  
More statistics, less surprise  
The MedAustron project: an example of large-scale technology transfer  
A marvel of precision: MedAustron  
Printshop open days  
CERN stationery rejuvenated  
Don’t put your family at risk  
Ombuds’ corner: “I want it to stop!”  
Luisella Goldschmidt-Clermont (1925 – 2013)  

Training and Development

Technical training: places available  
Safety Training: places available in March 2013  


Prévessin site – Pedestrian and cycle entrances  
The 36th CERN School of Computing visits Cyprus: Apply now!  
CERN restaurant opening times during the Easter weekend  
Civil engineering work to raise the level of Route Goward  
CERN openlab summer student programme  
Safe use of nanomaterials  


Physics Colloquium | 8 April  
United Nations "Youth Forum"  
COLLOQUIUM CANCELLED - Physics Colloquium | 25 March