Launch of new e-learning course “Safety during LS1”
After 3 years of activity, the LHC and the rest of the accelerator chain have been shut down for about 2 years (from February 2013 to December 2014) due to maintenance and upgrade work, on the surface as well as underground.
CERN has developed a new e-learning course related to this Long Shutdown period (LS1) so as to provide all the collaborators working in the LS1 area with accurate security-oriented information.
The objectives of this new course are to:
- Present LS1 and its context,
- Identify CERN facilities’ major risks,
- Identify the main risks associated with our co-activities,
- Explain how safety issues are being handled at CERN,
- Present all the basic safety measures to be respected,
- Present all emergency and rescue instructions.
The course is available via the e-learning SIR application. It is compulsory for all newcomers at CERN, along with the “CERN Safety Introduction” training. It is also highly recommended that people who were already working at CERN before the course was launched follow this new course.
To date, over 1,100 persons have taken the “Safety during LS1” course.
by HSE Unit