CERN Accelerating science




Mathilde Fontanet présente son livre « Décembre »

« Décembre », un roman qui se situe au cœur d’un hiver où tout n’est que faux-semblants. >>

Julien Lesgourgues presents his book "Neutrino Cosmology"

The role that neutrinos have played in the evolution of the Universe is the focus of one of the most fascinating research areas that has stemmed from the interplay between cosmology, astrophysics and particle physics. >>

News Articles

A new “culprit” for matter-antimatter asymmetry  
A train for the bus(bars)  
Our Universe is yours  
LS1 Report: working night and day  
A new awakening for accelerator cavities  
Prepare to be blown away  
Increasing the potential  
Detectors that don’t fear neutrons  
High-powered manoeuvres  
Stress and back pain: we’re all concerned!  
Quantum lottery  
Android is the new Windows  
Ombuds’ corner: Employee silence  
News from the Library: PressDisplay on mobile devices!  

Training and Development

Management and communication courses – Places available  
New course: “Lync – click to call and collaborate with others”  
Oracle support provides a range of new tutorials  
Launch of new e-learning course “Safety during LS1”  
Self-Rescue Mask Training  


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Cancellation of shuttle Circuit 3  
CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School 2013 open for applications  
Get all the official CERN holidays automatically added to your CERN mailbox calendar  
Official CERN holidays | Restaurant opening hours  
Closure of Restaurant 2  
The OHS-0-0-3 form on “Identification of occupational hazards” is now available on EDH  

Staff Association

L’Association change de « peau » et se modernise !  
Assemblée générale  
Cine Club  
Orienteering club  
Club de pétanque  
Dancing club  
Offers for our members  
Long term collections